Charge (Electric Series #1) Read online

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  “But that’s different,” Natalie said. “You and I don’t just hang out.”

  “What are we doing right now?” I countered.

  “But not alone,” Natalie said.

  “What’s the big deal?” I asked. “Tayz and I are close friends. There’s nothing weird about it.”

  Natalie still seemed suspicious after the entire conversation we just had. “In my experience, a guy and a girl can never just be friends.”

  “Well, believe me,” Taylor said. “That’s all we are, and that’s all we’ll ever be.”

  My head snapped in Taylor’s direction, and my mind replayed the way she emphasized ever. My stomach squirmed with discomfort, and I suddenly felt hot around the collar. I took a drink to mask whatever it was I felt.

  “Fine,” Natalie said. “Whatever.”

  “Besides, I’m seeing Drew,” Taylor reminded her. “And I really like him.”

  I couldn’t help it. I had to roll my eyes—and I had to roll them hard. “Nat, please tell me you think this guy is a joke.”

  She shrugged. “He was nice to me.”

  “He weighs, like, a hundred pounds.” No man should ever be that skinny.

  Natalie shrugged again. “We all come in different shapes and sizes. Who cares?”

  “I don’t care,” I argued. “But Taylor deserves the best, and I think we can all agree he’s not it.”

  Taylor was about to sip her drink but stopped when she heard what I said. Her eyes softened in a beautiful way, and it made me want to keep saying those sorts of things.

  “Aww,” Natalie whispered. “I wish someone would say something like that to me.” She trailed away and returned to the guys, taking her place right beside Jared.

  I cleared my throat and tried to change the subject. “Did you ever tell her about Jared?”

  “No,” Taylor said with a sigh. “I just can’t bring myself to do it. If it were me, I’d be mortified.”

  “Don’t you think it’s worse for her to keep this up?”

  “We’re going out tomorrow night to pick up a guy for her. I think if I can get her to move on with someone else, it’ll be a lot more convenient.”

  “I guess you’re right.” I scouted the room and searched for a pretty woman to take home, but no one caught my eye. It was a sea of short skirts and heels.

  “Did you ever find that kid?”

  I pivoted back to her. “Yeah. Found him at the bike rack.”

  “What happened?”

  “I got him to come to tutoring. He starts Monday.”

  “How did you get him to fill out all the paperwork?”

  “I didn’t.” There was no way Clay would come if I asked him to do that. “I’m tutoring him for free.”


  “He doesn’t know that, though. He thinks he received a qualifying scholarship…some bogus shit I made up.”

  “That’s so sweet, Volt.”

  I shrugged because I didn’t know what else to do. I liked this kind of attention from her, when she looked at me like I was some kind of hero, but I hated getting it from other people. “No student should ever be turned away because of lack of funds.”

  “You’re absolutely right.” She shifted her drink to the other hand, and unexpectedly, she wrapped her arm around my waist and hugged me. Her head rested against my arm.

  I stood absolutely still because I couldn’t process what was happening. “What are you doing?”

  “Hugging you.”

  “But why?”

  “Because I love this side of you…the sweet and compassionate one.”

  I looked down at her and waited for her to pull away, but she never did. My arm automatically wrapped around her waist and pulled her into me, and that’s when I realized it was the first time I’d ever hugged her. The scent of her shampoo entered my nose, and it made me think of a summer meadow. The affection was strange, but welcome at the same time.

  And I liked it.

  When I looked up, I spotted Natalie staring at us. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Then she mouthed, “Just friends, my ass.”

  Chapter Nine


  We walked into the bar and immediately grabbed our drinks before we headed to a standing table. Natalie was wearing a sexy dress, showing off her perfect legs and slender waist. But she looked uncomfortable—like this was the last place she wanted to be.

  “See anyone you like?” I scanned the crowd and saw a few cute men scattered around.

  “Eh.” She shrugged then stirred her drink.

  She wasn’t even trying. “How about that guy in the black shirt?”

  She glanced at him. “He’s okay.”

  She was giving me nothing to work with. “Natalie, what’s your deal?”

  “What do you mean?” She set her drink on the table.

  “You never date. And when we’re out, you aren’t interested in anyone. I’m starting to think you’re a lesbian.” Coming out and saying I knew she was in love with Jared would just embarrass her. She had to tell me on her own terms.

  She nudged me in the side playfully. “Maybe I am.”

  “Oh, whatever. I’m not your type.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m short and brunette…you seem like someone who would be with a tall blonde woman.”

  “I guess,” she said. “Maybe like Charlize Theron?”

  I realized we were getting way off topic. “I just don’t see you very active in the dating world, which is strange since you’re young and in your prime.” If I kept nudging her, maybe she would spill her secret. “I’ve only been in town for a few months, and I’ve already snagged a boyfriend.”

  “That’s because you’re cute.”

  “Whatever.” I smacked her arm. “You’re cute too. Now tell me what’s up.”

  She kept her fingers wrapped around her glass like it would keep her steady. “Alright. The truth is…”

  I leaned forward and waited for the official announcement.

  “I have a thing for Jared.”

  That was the biggest understatement—of the year. “Really? I had no idea.”

  “I’ve had feelings for him forever. Every time I try to shake them, I just can’t. I keep hoping that he’ll finally notice me and stop thinking of me as his friend’s little sister.”

  If this had been going on for years, I doubted that would ever happen. “Then maybe it’s time you move on and find another great guy. Natalie, this is New York. There are a ton of amazing men.”

  “I know, I know. But everywhere I look, I see Jared.”

  This was worse than I thought. “If it’s not going to happen with Jared, you need to take a step back. Staying hung up on him will only waste your time and ruin your chances of meeting a great guy.”

  “You’re right.” She breathed a heavy sigh like she wished I weren’t.

  “So, how about we start now?” I turned back to the guy in the black shirt. “Go over there and talk to him.”

  “Just like that?” she asked incredulously.

  “Introduce yourself and offer to buy him a drink.”

  “I’ve never hit on a guy before.”

  “It’s not hard. Just have some confidence. Guys like that.”

  “And what if he says no?”

  I shrugged. “So what? Then move on to the next guy.”

  She pulled down her dress and fixed her hair. “I don’t take rejection as well as you do.”

  “It’s really not that bad.”

  She turned to me. “How do I look?”

  “Hot as hell. Now go get some.” I turned her around and gave her a playful push.

  She walked to the corner where he stood with his friends. She walked with grace, her shoulders back and a sway in her hips.

  This night was going far better than I imagined. I stayed at the table and drank my beer, delighted to sit back and enjoy the show. I sipped my drink and realized I already drank the entire thing.

  And I needed another.

  Just when I turned to the bar, I stopped in my tracks. Drew was standing at the end of the bar wearing his typical jeans and t-shirt.

  He told me he was going out with the guys tonight, so this must have been the spot they chose.

  Excitement welled up in my heart when I spotted him, but just as quickly, it disappeared.

  Because he wasn’t with the guys.

  He was talking to a cute blonde against the wall. She had a drink in her hand and a pretty smile on her lips. His arms were across his chest, but he was standing dangerously close to her.

  My mind immediately wanted to make a bad assumption, but I convinced myself I was just jumping to conclusions. The bar was dark and the limited light distorted people sometimes. She was probably just a friend he ran into. No reason to be upset.

  I decided to walk over there and say hello. I hadn’t seen him in a few days, and I missed him. The bar was crowded and the music was loud, so I had to navigate through the sea of bodies to reach him.

  Just when I was a few feet away, I stopped.

  Because he kissed her.

  He had her pressed into the wall as he kissed her passionately. One hand dug into her hair while the other gripped the small of her back. He practically ripped her clothes off in excitement.

  All I could do was stand there and watch.

  My hearing became muffled, and the music changed to the distant echo of a throbbing bass. The conversations around me died down, and only a high-pitched ringing burned deep in my ears. My heart was racing like I was about to compete in the Boston Marathon. My body died in that moment, but it also came to life at the same time. I stared at Drew as he kissed her, and despite the horrible scene I was looking at, I couldn’t stop. It pained me, wounded me, but it was so awful it was hypnotizing.

  Finally, I pulled myself together and turned around. I needed to find the nearest exit and get the hell out of there. Anyone else would have confronted him and slapped him hard across the face. Or at least thrown a drink at him. But I didn’t do any of those things.

  I chose to run instead.

  When I finally reached the sidewalk and pushed past the people trying to get inside, I inhaled the cool air. It smelled like smoke and rat piss, but it was still a haven to me. Without realizing it, my eyes bubbled with tears until they slid down my cheeks. I didn’t realize just how much Drew hurt me until I felt the hot liquid reach my chin then drop to the concrete below.

  I shouldn’t cry because no man was worth my tears.

  He didn’t deserve anything from me.

  I wiped the tears away with my forearm, smearing my makeup in the process. I sniffed loudly to stop the liquid from seeping from my nose. Once I was in some kind of control of my emotions, I went to the first person who came to mind. I went to my closest friend in the world. I went to the one person who could actually make me feel better.

  I went to Volt.

  Chapter Ten


  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  I was reading in bed when the irritating sound snapped me out of the story. I set aside The Count of Monte Cristo and kicked the covers back.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  I glanced at my nightstand and realized it was 10:30 p.m. The only person who would come to my door at this time of night was a booty call, but they wouldn’t announce their presence in such an obnoxious way. Plus, they usually texted first just in case I was already booked for the night.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.

  “Shit, I’m coming.” I walked past the living room in just my sweatpants then reached the door. I flung it open, ready to tell off this clingy woman for pissing me the hell off. “What the hell—” I stopped in midsentence when I came face-to-face with Taylor.

  Her eyeliner was smeared.

  Her mascara was running.

  Her eyes were red.

  Her cheeks were tinted.

  Dumbfounded, I stared at her. My brain couldn’t comprehend what I was looking at. There wasn’t enough time to process everything. I couldn’t tell if this was real or just a dream. I wanted to say something, but my brain had turned off for the moment. How could someone look so beautiful when they looked their worst?

  She pressed her body into mine and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her mouth crushed against mine, and she gave me the hardest kiss I’ve ever received in my life. Her hands gripped me everywhere, needing every part of me. She threw herself into me completely and utterly. Her lips moved against mine at record speed, heating me up in a nanosecond. Her fingers dug into my hair and gripped me tightly. She came closer to me, trying to be absorbed so we were a single person.

  I breathed against her mouth then gripped her hips tightly. I felt every inch of her, the feminine curve of her hips and the steep plunge of her back. The skin of her arms was so smooth, and when I reached her hair, I actually moaned into her mouth. Explosions were erupting inside me, and we hadn’t even begun.

  It didn’t matter why she was there. She wanted me, and never in my life had I wanted someone more. We were feeding off each other, needing each other to keep this feeling alive.

  This wonderful feeling.

  I picked her up and slid her legs around my waist before I backed her against the wall. My throbbing dick was pressed against her through my sweats, and I grinded with her against the wall as I showered her mouth with kisses. My tongue danced with hers in the most erotic way, and I thought I would come then and there.

  One hand gripped the back of her neck as I felt her, loving the sensation of her body against mine. She was pinned under me, entirely mine to enjoy. I’d wanted her in the past, and a part of me always wanted her, but now I couldn’t think of a time when I ever wanted someone else besides her. “I love your kiss.” I loved everything about her. The softness of her lips turned me on, the way she gripped me in desperation made me feel like the man she needed, and the way she squeezed my hips made me feel like a goddamn king. “I’ve never wanted a woman more in my life.”

  Her hand went to my sweatpants, and she yanked them off, getting them down to my thighs. Then her hand went to my boxers, yanking them down. “Fuck me, Volt. Fuck me hard.”

  The dirty talk would normally make my dick twitch because of how sexy it was. But those words had the opposite effect.

  I felt used.

  I felt like a warm body.

  I didn’t feel like anything.

  The connection I had with her was severed. The hot and blinding heat between us halted in midstep when I understood what this was.

  She was just using me.

  I pulled my lips away and looked into her face, seeing the desperate arousal coursing in her eyes as well as her lips. But I also saw the overwhelming sadness, the depression—and the heartbreak. “You’re crying.”

  “No, I’m not.” She yanked my boxers down farther.

  I pulled them back up, knowing I couldn’t sleep with her—not like this. “Baby, what’s wrong?” My hand cupped her cheek, and I suddenly recognized the salt on my tongue. The salt of her tears.

  “I’m fine.” She kissed me, trying to pick things up again.

  “Why are you crying?” I pulled away again even though I didn’t want to. I wanted to keep kissing her.

  She reached her hand into my boxers and grabbed my rock-hard dick. She stroked it like a pro, her thumb gliding along my tip and catching the pre-cum before she gave me a good pull, spreading my own liquid down to my balls.


  Her mouth pressed to mine, and she kissed me as she rubbed me hard, giving me the kind of hand job I’d give myself.

  I couldn’t kiss her back because her hand felt so good. My mouth was idle, breathing into hers as she made my dick ache to be inside her. Everything about her touch was euphoric. She set my nerve endings on fire and made me yearn for the greatest release of my life.

  I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t. Fuck, it felt too good.

  I carried her to my bedroom, still breathing into her mouth as she jerked me off in the sexi
est and most sensual way possible. I set her on the bed and moved on top of her, ready to have some amazing sex with a gorgeous woman.

  She pulled my boxers down to my thighs and allowed my cock to emerge. She took one look at it and licked her lips.

  Oh, damn.

  I lifted her dress up and revealed her slender waist then grabbed the top of her thong and prepared to yank it off. It was the first time I saw her bare skin. I noticed how flawless she was. She had beautiful legs, curvy hips, and firm abs just underneath the skin.

  She was perfect.

  She kept stroking me, making more liquid ooze from my tip.

  My hand shook as it grabbed her thong. I wanted to pull it off and shove myself inside her—all night long. But then I looked at her beautiful face, still marked from the tears she had shed. No matter what she did, whether she wore makeup or not, she was beautiful.

  And that’s why I couldn’t do this.

  Somehow, I found the strength to overpower my dick and take a step back. I released her panties then pulled her dress down. Then I pulled the covers back and got beside her, tucking my dick back into my sweatpants.

  He throbbed in protest.

  Taylor went for it again, reaching right for my waist.

  I grabbed her hand and steadied it. “No.”

  “Volt, come on. I want some amazing sex, and I was told this was the place to go. Isn’t that what you’re known for?”


  “Then get inside me.”

  My spine actually shivered, but I kept my focus. “I’m known for screwing women who mean nothing to me. But you don’t mean nothing. You mean everything.”

  She pressed her lips to mine and tried to seduce me. My words went through one ear and out the other. I doubt she even heard them. “Please…”

  God, she was killing me. “No.”

  “I want meaningless sex. I’m telling you that’s what I want.”

  And I wanted to give it to her. I wanted to be inside her all night long and ignore the sun when it came up the following morning. I wanted her to scream my name over and over until her voice broke. I wanted every fantasy to happen—with her. “But it’s not what you deserve.”

  She finally stopped trying to grab and kiss me. All she did was stare, a whirlwind of emotions in her eyes. I didn’t know what she was thinking, but she was obviously thinking a million things at once.


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