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- E. L. Todd
I Will Follow You Page 12
I Will Follow You Read online
Page 12
“I love you too.” He watched me as they guided me away.
When I couldn’t see him anymore, I closed my eyes, knowing it might be the last time they closed.
Chapter Ten
Slade was on his knees while I sat on the couch. He pulled my pants down slightly and revealed my hip. “You could put it right here.” He kissed the area. “My name in black cursive. It’d be sexy as hell.”
“You’re egotistical, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know.” He kissed my other hip. “And here you can put ‘Slade is the best I’ve ever had’.”
“That’s a little long, don’t you think?”
“No.” He kissed the skin then sat up, pulling me forward. “I love you.” He looked in my eyes as he said it. He said it at the most random times, and it was never when we got off the phone or said goodbye. It was always unpredictable but I liked it that way. I knew he really meant those words.
“I love you too.” I kissed him gently.
“So, are you going to take my last name?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Preston is very famous.”
“Conrad will carry it.”
He smirked. “Good. I wanted you to take my last name. It’s hot.”
“It is pretty hot.”
“Can I call you Mrs. Sisco?”
“All you want,” I said.
“Ooh…especially when we’re in bed.” He grinned like an idiot.
Slade was annoying and idiotic at times, but he was incredibly sweet, romantic, and wonderful. “And I’ll call you Hubby.”
“I like that,” he whispered. “Address me like that in front of all men.”
I rolled my eyes. “Even Cayson?”
“Especially Cayson. He needs to know you’re mine.”
“I think he already does,” I said sarcastically. “And I think he’s too preoccupied with a tiny stacked brunette to ever notice me.”
“Well, just in case…”
I chuckled then shook my head. I couldn’t believe I was spending my life with Slade, and it didn’t scare me at all.
“Let’s just go down and get married.”
“I don’t want to wait.”
“Me neither,” he said seriously. “We already got the rings.” He held up his left hand.
“Do people tease you for it?” I asked.
“Sometimes,” he said. “But it doesn’t bother me.”
I smiled. “That’s sweet.”
“They’re just jealous I’m marrying a hot blonde and all they have is their right hand.”
“All the girls in the world are jealous of me. I finally got the infamous Slade to settle down.”
“Well, you’re my soul mate. It’s not like they stood a chance.”
I felt my heart become warm.
He rubbed his nose against mine. “You always get this look in your eye when I say something sweet, like you’re surprised.”
“I guess I am a little surprised.”
“You shouldn’t be.” He leaned over and kissed my hip again. “I’m deeply, hopelessly, and painfully in love with you.”
I moved my fingers through his hair. “The feeling is mutual.”
Just when I pulled his face to mine to kiss him, my phone rang. “I’ll get it later.”
His lips found mine and he kissed me gently.
The phone rang again.
“When did you get so popular all of a sudden?” he asked.
“Ignore it.” I kissed him again.
It rang again.
“Okay, this is killing my boner,” he said. “Just answer it.”
I sighed then grabbed it. “It’s my mom.”
“If she’s called you so many times, it must be important.” Slade sat beside me on the couch.
“It’s probably about my father,” I said with an annoyed sigh.
“Just answer it,” he pressed.
I took the call. “Hey, Mom.”
She was crying. “Your father has been in an accident, Trinity. He’s in surgery.”
It took me a moment to process what she said, like it was a horrific dream. “What…?”
“Your father has been in an accident.” She said the words again and cried into the phone. “We’re at the hospital now.”
“What…what happened?” I stood up automatically.
“He crashed into a pole. No one really knows what happened…”
Oh my god. I sat down again. “Is he going to be okay?”
Slade watched me with frightened eyes.
“I don’t know…” She sniffed into the phone.
I breathed hard, and my heart felt like it might give out. I dropped the phone in shock, about to hyperventilate.
Slade grabbed the phone and brought it to his ear. “It’s Slade,” he said calmly. “Where are you?” He nodded when he heard her voice. “We’re on the way.” He hung up then grabbed my purse and jacket.
I stared at the floor, unable to believe this was happening. He crashed into a pole? How? He was such a good driver. He was so big I just assumed nothing could ever hurt him. He was in surgery. Mom didn’t know if he would be okay…
“Come on, baby.” Slade grabbed my hand and pulled me from the couch. “Let’s go.”
I felt numb, like I couldn’t process everything that happened. Was this real? Was this just a nightmare?
Please be a nightmare.
Slade got me to the hospital but I wasn’t sure how it happened. Did we walk? Did we drive? I couldn’t remember.
Slade spoke to the people at the front desk then guided me to the hospital room. When we approached the door, a few people were standing outside. Uncle Sean was holding Aunt Scarlet close to him, his eyes red like he’d been crying. Roland was standing with Conrad, talking to him quietly.
As I came closer, I realized this wasn’t a dream. This was real.
This was real.
Slade guided me into the room.
Mom was sitting near the area where the bed would go, which was now gone. Wet tissues were in her hands and her eyes were still teary from crying. She looked up at me and forced a painful smile. “Trinity.”
I came to her side then threw my arms around her. “What’s happening?”
“He’ll be in surgery for a long time,” Mom said with a sniff. “I don’t know anything. When I do, I’ll let you know.”
I pulled away and saw Janice sitting beside her. She too looked like she’d been crying. “I’m sorry, Trinity.”
I nodded, unsure what to say.
“Trinity!” Skye ran at me then held me close. “I’m so sorry!” She cried into my shoulder.
When I felt her tears on my neck, the reality hit me.
My dad might not come back.
Everything I said to him came back to me. I was vicious to him when he didn’t deserve it. I overreacted. I shouldn’t have said those things. I wish I could take them back.
The grief washed over me. And I began to sob.
Slade didn’t leave my side the entire time. He tried to get me to eat and drink but I refused both. He sat down in the chair and held me in his lap. My head was against his shoulder and I didn’t leave him like I was stuck to him like glue.
He wrapped his jacket around me and kept me warm against the frigid hospital air. “It’ll be okay, Trinity.”
“What if he doesn’t make it…?” I could barely say the words.
“He will,” he said firmly. “Mike is strong and has too much to live for. He’ll fight—hard.”
“I can’t believe I said those things to him…” I sobbed at the thought.
“He knows you didn’t mean them,” he said gently. “He knows you love him.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“He does.” He pulled my face close to his and kissed my tears away. “I promise you, he does.”
I looked into his eyes for comfort but didn’t see any there.
Sean approached me then kneeled
so we were eye level. “You okay, honey?”
“No,” I said honestly.
Sean looked just as devastated. “He wanted me to tell you something…before he went into surgery.”
My heart sped up and I stiffened.
“He said he loves you and he forgives you.”
His words set off a new wave of tears. I clutched Slade and sobbed, somehow feeling worse. I was the last thing he thought of before he was taken away.
And I told him I hated him.
Eighteen hours had come and gone without any news. I was depressed and scared but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I tried to fight it, wanting to be alert for when Dad returned.
Slade knew I was exhausted. “Baby, get some sleep.”
“No…” I grabbed Slade tighter. “I want to know what’s going on.”
“I’ll wake you the second something happens. Promise.”
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Okay…” I fell asleep almost immediately, my mind falling into dreams of my father crashing. The thoughts were much better than my conscious ones, and I was desperate for them to end.
Then I felt Slade stir me.
“Baby, wake up.” His lips brushed my forehead and my face. “Trinity, open your eyes.”
I came around slowly, and then I realized what was going on. “What’s happened?” I demanded.
“Your father is back,” he whispered. “He’s out of surgery.”
I turned in his arms and saw the nurses lining his bed with the wall. He was hooked up to a respirator and there were tubes everywhere. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed. The monitor beeped every few seconds. “Oh my god…”
The doctor turned to Cassandra. “We were able to drain the wound and repair it. His arm is broken in several different places, so the cast will have to stay on for several weeks. That’s the good part.” He paused. “Due to the immense swelling of his brain, I’ve placed him in a temporary coma.”
Mom tried to remain calm. She nodded like she understood. “How long?”
“At least two weeks.”
“Okay…will there be any permanent damage to his brain?”
“I don’t think so,” he said. “But it’s possible. I’m optimistic.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “So, he’s going to be okay?”
“I think so,” he said. “However, there’s always a chance he may not wake up from the coma.”
“Like…ever?” Mom’s voice shook.
He nodded.
Mom took a deep breath and tried to stifle her tears.
“Like I said, I’m optimistic,” the doctor said.
“Do you know what happened?” Sean asked. “Why he crashed?”
The doctor nodded. “His blood alcohol level was through the roof. He was drunk.”
Mom covered her face and gasped. “Mike…”
The doctor stepped toward the door. “I’ll check in often. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” Sean said.
Mom was clearly unable to speak.
I approached the bed and looked down at my father. He was unrecognizable with the bruises and swelling. His arm was in a cast, and he looked so weak. I’d never seen my father be anything but strong.
Conrad came to the bedside and his eyes watered. “Dad…” He took a seat and rested his hand on Dad’s arm.
Mom grabbed Dad’s hand. “We’re here, Mike. I know you can hear us.”
I grabbed my dad’s other hand and cried. “I’m sorry, Dad…”
It was a terrible nightmare.
I couldn’t believe this was real.
Dad may never wake up again.
He was driving drunk.
Why was he drunk?
I knew the answer.
It was because of me.
Mom stayed at the hospital constantly, never leaving except to eat or use the restroom. I hung around too, refusing to leave. Conrad tried to be brave for Mom and I. But I knew he was just as terrified.
Aunt Scarlet stayed, but Sean went to work. One of them had to be there, unfortunately. But I knew Sean didn’t want to leave. He was just as choked up as everyone else.
Slade was with me all the time. I assumed his father let him take the time off work but I never asked. I hardly spoke. I drowned in my own misery silently, wishing I’d been in that car instead of him.
The family came and went, stopping by every day and hanging around for hours. The nurse was irritated there were so many of us but she never complained.
“Baby, you need to go home and get some sleep,” Slade whispered.
“No. I’m not leaving.”
“There’s nothing you can do for him right now.”
“I’m not going.” I refused to do it.
Slade didn’t push me. “Is there anything I can get you?”
“Actually, yes.”
“Name it.” He pressed his head against mine.
“Can you bring me a few books so I can read to him?”
“Sure.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll be back. Call me if you think of something else.”
Slade left and I sat by my father’s side, refusing to leave like it would make up for what I said to him.
Grandpa came into the room, looking stern and quiet. Conversations were rare in the patient room. No one really had anything to say. All we did was hope that the nightmare would end. Grandpa walked to my mom, who was sleeping in the chair. He took off his jacket and put it around her, keeping her warm. Then he came back to me.
He grabbed my hand. “You okay, kid?”
I shook my head and didn’t say anything.
“He’ll be okay, Sweet Pop.”
My grandpa had unique names for all of us. Skye’s was Sugar Flower. “How do you know?”
“I just do. I’ve known your father for his entire life. He’s a fighter.”
“I know but…”
“I know how much he loves your mother. He’ll live for her. And he’ll live even more for you and Conrad.”
“Sometimes it isn’t enough,” I whispered.
“Have faith.”
I said what was on my mind. “Grandpa, it’s my fault…”
“What would ever make you say such a horrible thing?” he asked calmly.
“I was mad at him and I said horrible things…he was drinking because of me.”
He shook his head slightly. “Your father’s decisions are of his own. It had nothing to do with you.”
“But I told him I hated him…”
“He knew you didn’t mean it.”
“You think?”
“Of course I know,” he said firmly. “We all say things we don’t mean when we’re upset. And you can apologize to him when he wakes up. You’ll get your chance.”
“I hope so…”
“You will.” He put his arm around my shoulder and allowed me to rest my head on his shoulder. I stared at my dad, wishing this was just a horrific dream.
“Would you like to know something interesting about your father?”
“Of course.”
“When your mom was pregnant with you, he was terrified of being a parent. He sought me out and asked for advice. He told me for the first time in his life, he was scared. He questioned himself completely—which he’d never done before.”
“Why was he scared…?”
“He was terrified he would be a terrible father. I told him to do the best he could and it would be enough. So, I understand why he was so upset over your feud.”
“I never knew that…”
“And if you ask me, he did a fine job with both you and your brother. Look at you, Trinity. You’re intelligent, in books and street smarts, you’re beautiful like your mother, and you have a good head on your shoulders. I’m very proud of you.”
“Thanks…” But his words made me realize something. “I made his worst nightmare come true.”
“No,” he said. �
�Your father tried so hard to compensate for his doubts that he cared for you too much. That’s his only crime.”
I nodded.
“Just go easier on him from now on. He’s doing his best, Sweet Pop.”
“I know…” Tears leaked from my eyes. “I know…”
“When he wakes up, reconcile with him and start over,” Grandpa said. “A new beginning.”
“I will.”
“Because he will wake up,” Grandpa said. “And you’re the first face he’s going to want to see.”
Slade returned with the books and I read to my father. I read his favorites, knowing he could hear me, and he must be bored out of his mind. I hoped he recognized my voice and it brought him comfort. I knew he would be able recognize it no matter how deeply asleep he was.
Slade hung on to every word and rested his hand on my thigh, sitting with me like a guard dog. The family gathered around and listened to the stories every night when they got off work.
Silke was there, but she was never alone. Arsen was always there, saying nothing and keeping to himself. But he always sat beside her. However, he didn’t touch her. I hoped after seeing them kiss on the balcony they would be back together. Unfortunately, they weren’t.
Skye was there all the time, and so was Cayson. They were both distraught over the incident, each of them being equally close to my father. Ward came too, stopping by to check in. Sometimes he shared a few words with Clementine before he left. People came and went constantly.
There was a knock on the door. “Can I come in?”
I turned around because I recognized the voice. “Reid?”
He held an arrangement of flowers in his hand. “I’m sorry…about everything.”
I stood up and hugged him. “Thank you for coming.”
He handed the flowers over. “I know Mike isn’t much of a flower guy but…I didn’t know what else to bring.”
“They’re lovely,” I said. “Thank you.” I set them on the table near my father’s bed, along with other flowers that had been sent. Then I turned back to Reid. “How did you know…?”
“Slade told me.”
Slade stood up and approached him. Then he shook his head. “Thanks for stopping by.”
“Of course,” Reid said. “Mike is a friend and a great guy. I sincerely hope he has a good recovery.”
“I just hope he wakes up.” Tears emerged from my eyes.
Reid gave me a sad look.