You Make Me Weak Read online

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  Tears started to develop in her eyes. “He won’t fight for me.” She hastily grabbed her purse and stood up. “I…I have to go. I’ll pay you back for dinner.” She stormed off before I could even get out of my seat.

  I sat there, knowing everything was about to change—and not for the better.


  Cayson came over when I got home.

  “Baby, I need to talk to you.”

  “Okay.” I was too depressed to really care what he had to say. I didn’t even kiss him or embrace him like I usually did.

  But he didn’t either. “Let’s sit down.”

  I drifted to the couch, feeling like a ghost.

  Cayson turned to me. “I’m going to ask you something and you need to tell me the truth.”

  The seriousness in his voice brought me back to earth. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just please answer me. If you love me, you’ll tell me the truth.”

  “Cayson, you’re scaring me…”

  “Skye, I’m fucking scared too.” He took a deep breath. “Tell me why Trinity is so angry with Slade. Please.”

  That wasn’t what I was expecting him to ask. “Uh…”

  “You have to tell me. Slade can’t figure it out and he’s freaking out. He’s terrified he’s going to lose her but he doesn’t know what’s wrong. He’s asked her several times but she just pushes him away. I know you’re loyal to Trinity, but please, please tell me.” Desperation was in his eyes.

  I gave Trinity my word and I couldn’t betray her. She was my best friend. “I’m sorry, Cayson.”

  He sighed in disappointment. “Is she going to break up with him? At least tell me that.”

  “I…I can’t say.”

  He gripped his hair. “Our two best friends are going through a really hard time. If there’s anything we can do to help them, we need to do it. Please, Skye. I’ll beg if I have to. Slade is my best friend and I’ve never seen him like this.”

  I wanted to help Slade. I knew in my heart he loved her. Maybe if he knew what Trinity was feeling, he could fix it. He could tell her he would marry her tomorrow if that’s what she wanted. Years ago, Slade didn’t want to get married, but everything was different now.

  “Trinity broke a promise to you when she told me the truth. She did it for your best interest, and because of her, we’re back together. Skye, tell me the truth because it’s in her best interest. Let’s help them stay together.”

  That was a powerful argument. I knew Trinity would be pissed off at me for confessing her secret, but I knew she would be miserable if she lost Slade. “Okay…”

  He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. “Tell me.”

  “When they went on that trip…a box fell out of Slade’s bag. When Trinity saw it, she assumed he was going to propose.”

  Cayson covered his face. “Shit…”

  “She assumed he was going to propose before she even went on the trip, and honestly, I thought the same thing. Why else would Slade take her on a romantic trip? He’s never done that before. And when she found the box, it only convinced her it was going to happen.”


  “And when he didn’t—”

  “She was devastated.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And now she thinks he’ll never propose…”


  He sighed and stared at the ground.

  “Tell Slade so he can convince her otherwise, Cayson. All he needs to do is tell her he wants to get married, but he hasn’t picked a good time to ask. That will fix everything. That’s all he needs to do. When I spoke to her earlier, she seemed intent on dumping him as soon as possible.”

  “There’s a problem with that,” Cayson said quietly.

  “What?” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hear it.

  “Slade never wants to get married.”

  I felt the fear in my heart. “Why do you think that?” I had a feeling I already knew.

  “He told me.”


  He nodded. “He said he never wants to get married and Trinity knows that. I assumed things were different, but he said he would never change his mind.”

  “Well, he better,” I said. “Or he’s going to lose her.”

  “Fuck,” he said. “Goddammit, Slade.”

  “Talk to him before it’s too late.”

  “I will.” He paused for a moment. “He’s so terrified she’s going to leave him. I think that fear might change his mind.”

  “Let’s hope it does.”

  Chapter Ten


  I was sitting at the kitchen table, my head resting on the surface. This is what I did often, trying to dull the pain in my heart. Like a child, I was terrified. Trinity was everything to me. What did I do to make her so upset? What did I do to make her hate me? How do I fix it?

  Cayson walked through the door but I didn’t move. “I talked to Skye.”

  I bolted upright. “What did she say?” I gripped the table until my knuckles turned white.

  He sighed when he looked at me. “Trinity thought you were going to propose when you went to Florida.”

  His words washed over me in waves. “But why would she think that?”

  “For a lot of reasons,” he said calmly. “You’ve been together for two years, and now you guys are closer than you’ve ever been before. She just assumed it was time. But when you were on the trip, she knocked over your bag and the box that held the bracelet fell out…and she just assumed…it was a ring.”

  I covered my face and sighed. “God fucking dammit.”

  He stared at me and gave me a moment to let the truth sink in.

  When she cried after I gave her the bracelet, they were tears of disappointment. She didn’t even care about the bracelet. All she cared about was the fact it wasn’t a ring. When she went to the bathroom, it was probably to cry more. And when she was…off…later that night, it was because she was hurt. And the past weeks of distance were because she couldn’t stand how much I hurt her. Fuck, why was this happening? “I told her from the beginning I couldn’t do marriage. Why would she assume I changed my mind?”

  “Because of how much you love her. You’re totally different with her than you were two years ago. Honestly, we all assumed the same thing. Can you honestly tell me you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with her?”

  “Of course I do,” I blurted. “But I don’t want to be married. Marriage is stupid.”

  “Well, Trinity doesn’t feel that way.”

  I sighed. “I guess I’ll talk to her and apologize.”

  “There’s something else, man.”

  “What?” I whispered.

  “She’s planning on dumping you.”

  I froze as my heart shattered into a million pieces. I couldn’t even move my fingers because they were so rigid. My heart stopped beating because it was broken. A thousand blades had penetrated my spine. My breathing was labored like both of my lungs had popped. I felt sick, like my body would never heal again. Everything spun out of control. Cayson’s face faded. Reality seemed to disappear. All I could feel was unbelievable pain. No other words had ever made me feel worse.

  I finally found my voice again. “Why?”

  “She thinks you’ll never ever marry her.”

  My eyes built up with moisture. “Why does she think that?”

  “Because you didn’t ask,” he said. “You’ve been together for two years. If you haven’t asked by now, when will you?”

  I stared at the table, feeling faint.

  “Slade, you need to talk to her and tell her you will marry her.”

  “But…I don’t want to get married.”

  Cayson sighed and kept his voice low. “Slade, I know that isn’t true. I know Trinity is meant for you.”

  “I know that too,” I said. “But I don’t want to get married. Why can’t we be together without ever signing a stupid piece of paper? It doesn’t mean anything anyway.”

; “It means something to her. Dude, just do it. The alternative is losing her. Can you really accept that?”

  I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to keep calm. “Of course I don’t want to lose her…”

  “Then just take the hit.”

  “Why do I have to make the compromise? Why can’t she make the compromise to not get married?”

  “Slade, it’s important to a lot of people. I know I want to get married.”

  “But we aren’t the same person,” I snapped. “Trinity knew how I was from the beginning. Why is she expecting this now?”

  “Because you’ve changed,” he argued. “We all see it. Slade, I know you’re scared but you won’t regret it.”

  I shook my head but didn’t say anything.

  “This is what it comes down to,” Cayson said quietly. “Marry her or lose her. Make your decision.”

  I stared at the table for a moment before I closed my eyes. Marriage didn’t suit me. I didn’t want to give my heart to someone and watch her walk away. I didn’t want to sign divorce papers then emotionally and legally say goodbye. Marriage was just a more complicated way of staying together.

  But when I imagined Trinity in a white dress walking down the aisle, I saw someone else waiting for her at the end. A handsome stranger, someone who fell in love with her the moment they saw her. She had two sons, and soon I became a lost memory.

  Why couldn’t we just stay the way we were? We were both happy. Why did anything have to change? Why did we have to come to this crossroad, where we met an ultimatum?


  Chapter Eleven


  Ward held my hand while we walked down the street. “Did you enjoy your dinner?”

  “It was great.” I moved further into his side, letting his scent spread over me.

  “I liked mine too.” He headed toward his apartment near Central Park. “Want to come over and watch a movie?”

  “I want to come over, but not to watch a movie.”

  He smirked while he looked down at me. “I never satisfy you, do I?”

  “No, you always satisfy me. That’s the problem.”

  “It’s a good problem to have, if you ask me.”

  We walked inside his apartment and he flicked the lights on. His apartment was spacious and nice. The windows had a good view, and his dark furniture made it clear a man lived there.

  He tossed his jacket on the coat rack and loosened his tie.

  “You hate wearing a tie, huh?” I asked.

  “When you wear it at work all day, it gets old.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway. “I want to show you something.”


  He pulled me into a second living room. I’d never seen it before. All I knew was the bedroom and his sheets. It had two couches and a table, and it had a grand piano.

  I eyed it for a moment. “You play?”

  He nodded. “I’m decent.”

  I ran my fingers over the hard wood, noting its quality and age. Then I touched the keys, realizing it was perfectly in tune. “It’s beautiful.”

  He sat down on the bench, his legs resting on either side of it. “Want to know something dirty about me?”

  “Always.” I moved into his lap and straddled his hips. My arms hooked around his neck, and when I shifted my weight, I could feel his hard-on beneath.

  “When I was in London, I…thought about you.”

  “Yeah?” I whispered.

  He nodded. “You were on this piano. Your skin is dark just like the color, and we made our own music together.”

  “That sounds pretty hot.”

  “I was hoping you would think so.”

  “But you aren’t much of a gentleman.”

  He gave me a dark look. “I never said I was a saint.” He lifted up my dress to my stomach then reached his hand behind my ass, finding my clitoris with his long fingers.

  I breathed hard while I stared into his face. Against my will, I started to grind against him.

  His lips found mine and he kissed me gently, still touching me the way I liked. Ward was the kind of guy who loved foreplay, and sometimes I suspected he preferred it over sex. He always took his time, enjoying the moment rather than sprinting to home plate.

  When my panties were wet, he knew I was ready. He undid his slacks with one hand then pulled his cock out. Then he grabbed a condom and rolled it on. When he was ready, he lifted me then slowly lowered me onto his length. He moaned quietly while he filled me.

  We sat still for a moment, just enjoying the touch of one another. And then we started to move together slowly, our lips finding each other and enjoying quiet kisses. Ward’s thick arms didn’t have a problem lifting me onto his cock over and over, and I liked feeling the excitement course through his limbs.

  When it got heated, he lifted me and gently set me on the keys. They made a loud noise as my body set them off. My back rested against the wall of the piano, and then he started to move into me slowly. I pulled his slacks and boxers down the rest of the way so he had more room to rock into me.

  He found my lips again while he moved in and out of me, making me tense in pleasure as he took me to the place I loved so much. I gripped his forearms and stopped kissing him, just breathing into his mouth because there was nothing else I could do. The pleasure immobilized me.

  He stared into my face while I rode my high. “I like watching you.”

  My head rolled back as I finished. “Now I want to watch you.”

  He kissed my neck for a moment then picked up his pace. When he breathed hard and noticeably tensed, he released inside me. He held onto me as he finished, a loud grunt coming from deep in his throat.

  I loved getting off, but watching him feel that same sensation was somehow better.

  He stayed still while he remained inside me. “You’re my fantasy, Clementine.”

  “I guess I’m your fantasia, then.”

  He kissed my forehead then lifted me from the piano. He carried me into his bedroom and gently laid me down. After he cleaned up, he joined me under the covers. His hand moved up and down my smooth legs, and his chest was pressed into my back.

  His lips rested against the back of my neck, constantly reminding me he was there. “You’re the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  He nodded slightly.

  “You’re mine too. But, I’ll admit, I pretty much just lay there while you do all the work.”

  “Not really,” he said. “When you’re on top, you blow my mind.”

  “I’ll remember that next time you’re mad at me.”

  He chuckled. “I just gave you a serious weapon.” He kissed the area between my shoulder blades. “You always taste like honey.”

  “It must be my body wash.”

  “No, I think it’s just you.” He kissed me again and pulled me further into his chest.

  “Your bed is comfortable…”

  “It’s one of the luxuries I allow myself. I think sleep is important. It affects your life every day.”

  “But if I had this bed, I would never go to work.”

  He chuckled. “That would be perfect for me. I would come home every day after work and see you lying here, waiting for me. It would be my greatest fantasy, actually.”

  “Actually, I would probably be covered in bed sores and immensely overweight if I lay around all day.”

  He chuckled. “Still my fantasy.” His hand moved through my dark hair before it rested on my hip. “Are you going to that dinner for the company?”

  “Are you?” I asked.

  “Sean told me about it today.”

  “Unfortunately,” I said. “My dad wants us to go—every year.”

  “Well, at least I’ll see one familiar face.”

  “We should sneak off somewhere,” I said mischievously. “Maybe in the bathroom.”

  “And risk your father catching us?” he asked incredulously. “I think I’ll pass.”

; “I thought you said you didn’t want to hide anything,” I teased.

  “Dating you is one thing. Fucking you in the bathroom is another. I could easily lose my job.”

  “But doesn’t that make it more exciting?” I whispered.

  “No, not really,” he said with a laugh.

  “We should match,” I said. “It would be cute.”

  “Are you going to be my date?” he asked.

  “In secret.”

  “I’m wearing a blue tie.”

  “Then I’ll wear a blue dress.”

  “I like it when you wear blue,” he whispered.

  “I like it when you wear nothing.”

  “You do, huh?” He moved away and pulled me on my back. Then he was over me, separating my legs.

  “You’re ready for another go?” I asked in surprise.

  “I’m always ready for another go.”


  My dad wasn’t a partner at the company, but he was highly regarded. He had a lot of responsibility, and if he didn’t do his job right, the rest of the company suffered. He was considered a silent partner since he was inseparable from Sean and Mike. People considered him to be the third CEO. He could hire or fire anyone he wished.

  I took a taxi there, sad I wouldn’t arrive with Ward. It would be difficult to pretend that he didn’t mean anything to me, that I didn’t find him immensely attractive. But I was sure tons of women would be gawking at him, so my stares would go unnoticed.

  When I entered the hotel, I looked around for someone I recognized. Skye and Cayson were talking quietly together, holding their glasses of champagne. I approached them and smiled. “I like your dress, Skye.”

  “Thanks. You look cute.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  Cayson had his arm around her. “Skye always looks stunning.”

  I was glad my brother was with Skye again. I knew he loved her, and I didn’t think anyone was as good for him as she was. She was smart and independent. She wasn’t weak like most girls. If someone crossed her, she’d snap. And I knew she loved my brother a lot. That was all I really cared about. And Cayson’s second choice, Jasmine, was a damn joke.


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