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You Make Me Weak Page 7

  I crawled up her body and undressed her as she undressed me. Then I was inside her, feeling her usual warmth and wetness. We moved together slowly, our breathing in synch and our minds in tune to each other. I stared into her eyes while I moved inside her, feeling my heart swell in love and adoration.

  “I love you, Trinity.” I didn’t say it very often, only when my heart hurt painfully if I kept it back.

  “I love you too, Slade.”

  Chapter Six


  “Has he asked yet?” Skye asked over the phone.

  Slade was taking a shower so I had a few minutes to chitchat with Skye. “If he did, don’t you think I’d be screaming right now?”

  “Well, it’s only Saturday. You have some time. Do you think he’s still going to do it?”

  “Definitely,” I said. “He’s been so sweet to me this whole time, and he’s being affectionate and romantic. Last night at dinner, he kept telling me how happy he is with me and he’s grateful we’ve grown so much as a couple.”

  “He’s so going to propose.”

  “I think he’ll do it sometime tonight since we’re going home tomorrow.”


  Skye’s voice grew excited. “Oh my god, you’re going to be Mrs. Sisco!”

  “I know!” I tried to keep my voice down so he wouldn’t hear me. I walked across the room toward the patio. When I accidentally stepped on Slade’s bag, it tipped over and I fell with it. “Damn.”

  “You okay?” Skye asked.

  “I tripped over Slade’s stuff. He just leaves it lying around everywhere.”

  “Are you sure you want to marry him?”

  I laughed then got to my feet. When I saw a small black box on the ground, I almost fainted.

  “What?” Skye knew something was wrong.

  “Oh my god! The box just fell out.”

  “The box with the ring?”

  “Yes!” I listened for the shower and made sure it was still running.

  “Open it!”

  I picked it up but I restrained myself from popping the lid. “No…I want to be surprised.”

  “Wait, you’re right. Don’t look!”

  “But it’s from Quartz!” I squealed.

  “That place is not cheap! Way to go, Slade!”

  I heard the shower turn off so I hastily shoved the box back inside then returned his bag to where it was. “Shit, I’ve got to go. He’s coming.”

  “Congratulations!” She hung up.

  I walked outside and sat on the patio, trying to look normal.

  Slade came out a second later and found a change of clothes. “Where do you want to eat breakfast?”

  I tried not to smile or seem excited. “I don’t care. We can just do room service.”

  “Okay,” he said. “Call it in while I do my hair.”

  I waited until he went back into the bathroom before I called. I was so skittish and excited that I couldn’t stop shaking. I hoped he was going to propose, but now that I saw the box, I knew without a doubt he was going to.

  The beginning of our relationship was so rocky but now we were madly in love. I would be the first one of all my friends to get married. I would get to wear a beautiful wedding dress and walk down the aisle. Maybe I could get one from Vogue since I worked there. And I was going to wear pink heels. I didn’t care what anyone else said.

  My mind was racing a million miles an hour, so when the room service arrived, I practically jumped out of my skin. I grabbed the food and tipped the service man before I set everything up outside.

  Slade joined me a moment later, wearing his swim trunks and a white t-shirt. His hair was messy like he hadn’t styled it at all. “Everything looks good.”

  “Yeah…” I ate but didn’t look at him.

  “Something up?” He caught on to my strange behavior.

  “I just hope we see another sea otter today. That was so cool.” That sounded like a believable lie.

  “That was pretty cool,” he agreed.

  We ate our breakfast quietly, but I was so nervous I didn’t have much of an appetite. I forced myself to eat, but I knew Slade wouldn’t care if I didn’t eat. He knew I had unusual eating habits.

  When we were finished, he left the trays by the door. “Ready to hit the beach?”


  He grabbed my hand and we made our way down to the sand. It was another warm day, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Slade laid our beach towels down then sat beside me. “Want to snorkel?”

  “With sharks?” I asked incredulously.

  “Well, if we see them, we’ll just go the other way.”

  “You know they can swim sixty miles an hour, right?”

  He gave me an incredulous look. “Has someone been googling sharks?”

  I shrugged. “I was just curious.”

  He chuckled. “Baby, we aren’t going to get eaten by a shark.” He took off his shirt then lay back on the towel. His skin was normally fair, but he’d gotten some color the day before.

  “Did you know the most common shark involved in shark attacks are tiger sharks?”

  “No, I didn’t, actually.”

  “They can grow up to sixteen feet long.”

  He chuckled. “It’s cute hearing you spit out facts about sharks.”

  “I just like to know what I’m getting into.”

  “Baby, if a shark attacks you, I’ll save you. So just chill.”

  “Don’t save me!” I hissed. “Save yourself. By the time you get there, everything will be over. I’ll be fish food.”

  “Then I’ll be fish food too.” He gave me a serious look then turned away.

  I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. “Really?”


  “So we would save each other?”

  “Yep.” He kissed my forehead then looked out at the ocean. “So, you want to surf today?”

  I looked at him like he was crazy. “Didn’t you hear anything I just said?”

  “Well, I’m going. I can teach you if you want.”

  “I’d rather boogie board.”

  “Come on, baby. It’ll be fun.”

  “I guess I can try.”

  “That’s my girl.” He kissed my cheek then walked to the rental shack.


  We sat on our boards, side-by-side.

  “When a wave comes in, start swimming then jump to a stand.”

  “And then what?” I asked.

  “Just try to stay on.”

  I stared at him blankly.

  “You want me to go first?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He chuckled. “Okay. Watch me.”

  A wave came and he paddled into it. Then he jumped up and rode the wave. He was only up for a minute or two but it was still impressive. I didn’t even know he surfed. Just when I thought I knew everything about my future husband, I was wrong.

  He stood in the shallow water and called out to me. “Now you try!”

  I waited for a wave to come before I started swimming into it. Just like him, I jumped up. I actually stood on the board and was proud of myself. I didn’t think I could even do that. “I did it!” I raised my arms in the air in excitement. “I did it!”

  Then I was knocked off and I fell deep in the water. I almost reached the bottom when I tried to swim up. But as I did, another wave came and pushed me back under. My board strap had come loose and I didn’t even know where my surfboard was.

  My lungs were starting to hurt because I desperately needed air. When I tried to swim up again, I was knocked back under. I was under a choppy section of the water, where the waves seemed to happen more frequently.

  Now I was terrified. I wouldn’t be able to hold my breath much longer.

  Then a shadow passed over me and I saw Slade coming toward me. I didn’t think I was going to make it even if he was there. I was afraid we would both be sucked under.

  When he reached me, he grabbed my face t
hen sealed his mouth over mine. He blew air into my lungs, giving me oxygen that I thought I might die without. He pulled me along the bottom until we were a few feet away. Then he pushed me up to the surface.

  When I breached it, I gasped for air and felt my lungs burn. I breathed hard, thankful to feel the air in my body. Slade was by my side in a second.

  “Baby, are you okay?” He helped me stay afloat as I continued to breathe hard.


  He gave me a look of concern. “I should have told you what to do when you’re stuck under a wave. I’m so sorry. That was my fault.”

  “It’s okay…”

  Slade guided me to shore then helped me to dry sand. He crouched in front of me and watched me with concern in his eyes. “I’m sorry…”

  “You saved me.”

  “I would never let anything happen to you, Trinity. I just wish I’d been more careful.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “It’s not your fault.” My breathing finally returned to normal.

  “How about we just sunbathe and read magazines for the rest of the day?” he asked.

  “No, you can surf, Slade. I’ll be okay.”

  “I’m not going to leave you,” he said firmly. “I know that must have been terrifying.” He scooped me into his arms then carried me back to our place in the sand. He set me down on the towel. “I’m going to return our boards. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” The sun warmed my body and my hair started to dry. I watched Slade locate my board in the water and return it to the rental shack. I never wanted to surf again in my life. The whole time I was scared of being bitten by a shark when I should have been scared of drowning.

  Slade sat beside me. “Can I get you something? Water?”

  “No. I have some in my bag.”

  He rubbed my back and sat close to me. “You want to go back to the room?”

  “No, I’m okay. Really.” I gave him a smile for reassurance.

  “I would have drowned myself if something happened to you.”

  “But it didn’t. So everything is okay.”

  “And your dad would have murdered me. My dad would probably help.”

  “Slade.” I gave him a firm look. “It’s not a big deal. Just let it go.” I didn’t want to ruin our magical day. He was probably going to propose to me tonight and I didn’t want this hanging over our heads.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Okay.” He finally dropped it.

  I kissed him to force him to relax. “I love you.”

  His eyes shined bright with affection. “I love you too.”


  I spent nearly two hours getting ready. My hair had to be perfect, and my make-up needed to be flawless. The dress I decided to wear was casual but had a hint of elegance to it.

  My heart was beating so fast I thought it might stop altogether. I was so nervous but so excited at the same time. My hands wouldn’t stop shaking, and I kept looking at my left hand, imagining a diamond ring sparkling up at me.

  “Baby, we’re going to be late for those reservations!”

  I checked my appearance one more time before I walked out.

  Slade was sitting on the bed. He looked up at me, and his eyes widened in surprise. “Wow…you look beautiful in that dress.”

  “Thanks.” I was hoping he would think that.

  He came close to me then kissed me. “But I’m excited to take it off.”

  I smiled. “Then I know you really like it.”

  He grabbed my hand and walked me out. “I hope you’re hungry because I’m starving.”

  “I am hungry.” And nervous. And excited. And unable to contain my glee. This was really happening. The night I’d been looking forward to was finally here. I’d been dreaming of finding my Prince Charming since I was a little girl. Slade wasn’t exactly what I dreamed of, but he was so much better. He was exactly what I wanted for the rest of my life. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he was the one.

  We had a table by the window again, and this restaurant had a closer view of the ocean. Our table was secluded and the lights were dim. Quiet conversations ensued in the restaurant, but I was ignorant to all of it. All I cared about was Slade.

  He looked back at me. “What are you getting, baby?”

  I glanced at the menu. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t care what I ordered. “The catch of the day.”

  “I think I’m going to get a steak.”

  “Good choice.”

  The waiter came over, and Slade ordered for both of us, along with a bottle of wine. Sometimes I forgot how polite and charming he could be when he wanted to. It was a side to him only I got to see. There were a lot of layers he kept deep below the surface. But he always peeled them away for me.

  “I’m sad to leave tomorrow,” Slade said.

  “Me too.” But I was excited for tonight.

  “Thank you for coming with me.”

  “No, thank you for taking me.” Slade had become insanely romantic when I least expected it. He took me on a trip just to propose to me. It was so sweet. When we came home, I knew everyone would be waiting on the edge of their seats in anticipation.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t see a sea otter,” he said. “Maybe next time.”

  “Yeah…I’d love to see a sea turtle too.”

  “I can make that happen,” he said. “I know they’re everywhere in Hawaii. We’ll find one next time.”

  Maybe for our honeymoon. “Yeah. Good idea.”

  Slade made small talk about the beach. He asked if I was doing okay after almost drowning but I brushed it off. It was ancient history at this point. All I cared about was the moment we were in. If he was nervous, he did a good job hiding it.

  The food was brought to us and we ate quietly.

  “How’s yours?” he asked.

  “Good. Yours?”

  “Excellent. I’ll eat every single bite.”

  “Too bad we don’t have a refrigerator for leftovers,” I said.

  “I don’t need one,” he said. “I inhale my entire plate anyway.”

  “You do,” I teased. I picked at my food but couldn’t get much down. I was so nervous. All I had to say was “yes” and nothing else. I shouldn’t be nervous. Slade was the one that had a bunch of things to say. But I guess that made me nervous for him.

  When the waiter cleared our plates, I knew the moment had arrived. It was either now or sometime tomorrow. I tried to act casual, like this romantic evening was just like any other.

  Slade cleared his throat. “I just want you to know that…you’re the love of my life.” He looked into my eyes as he said it. “And I know that because you’ve made me a better person. I know you think he was always there, but he wasn’t. You created him by making me fall in love with you.”

  Oh my god. Oh my god. My eyes were already watering.

  “My life is whole and complete with you in it, and I never want to know what life would be like if you weren’t around. It’s something that scares me to death. I try to be everything you want me to be, and I try to give you everything you deserve. I hope you know that.”

  “I do…” I took a deep breath and tried not to cry.

  “Whenever I read the Odyssey, I think of you. And it’s not just because it’s your favorite story. But because Odysseus and Penelope can survive anything, just like you and I. Time, appearance, and destiny don’t affect them like it does to others. You and I are special, fallen fruit from the same tree.”

  Slade had been romantic with me for a long time, but I never heard him say something so beautiful. My chest started to rise and fall with a quicker pace and I was unable to control it.

  He reached into his pocket.

  Oh my god! Oh my god! This is the most perfect proposal ever.

  He pulled something out and handed it to me.


  He stilled for a moment before he held out a bracelet.

  A bracelet.

; Wait…what?

  It wasn’t a ring.

  It’s not a ring.

  Wait, is he not proposing?

  What’s going on?

  Uh, did I just make an idiot out of myself?

  Slade didn’t seem to catch on to my meaning. He grabbed my left hand and slipped the bracelet on.

  When I examined it, I realized it was made out of solid platinum. It looked expensive and of high quality. This must have been what he got from Quartz. I examined it and saw a name engraved across the surface. Penelope.

  “You’re my Penelope,” Slade whispered.

  I continued to stare at the bracelet until I understood its meaning. It was extremely thoughtful and sweet. To compare us to such a great pair of lovers was unbelievably romantic. But I couldn’t appreciate it at all. I thought this was the night Slade would make me his forever. I thought…I thought I would be his fiancée tonight, not just his girlfriend. I thought…there would be more.

  Slade continued to stare at me.

  The tears fell, but not from joy. “Thank you…it’s beautiful.”

  Slade smiled, obviously thinking the tears meant something completely different. It was probably the reaction he was hoping for, that I would be so moved by this incredible gift that I would be brought to tears.

  I tried to force myself to stop crying but it was difficult. “I love it.” I felt it on my wrist and noted the cool metal. I wished he’d given it to me some other time. I know I would have truly loved it under different conditions. Now I felt foolish for thinking Slade was proposing to me. I felt like a damn idiot. “Excuse me, please.” I left the table and headed to the bathroom.

  Once I was inside, I stood at the sink and gave myself a moment. The bracelet was heavy on my wrist, but the weight only reminded me of what was missing on my finger. I was so certain he was going to propose. We’d been together for two years and were inseparable. Why would he give me a bracelet on a romantic trip like this? Didn’t he want to marry me? Did I misinterpret everything?

  I called Skye, needing to talk to my best friend.