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You Make Me Weak Page 6

  “Me too.” She turned toward me with a blazing look in her eyes. Her love and affection was obvious in every look she gave me. Even when she was mad at me, I saw it. I wondered if she would always give me that look, or if it would change over time, become more prominent. She and I had been together for almost two years, and they’d been the happiest of my life. She completed and understood me in a way no one else ever would. While everyone looked at me like I was a punk, she eyed me as her hero. It was a nice feeling, to be loved for exactly who you were.

  “You packed some lingerie, right?” I whispered.

  She smirked and rolled her eyes. “You’ll find out.”

  “I brought something just in case you didn’t.”

  “You would.”

  “I’m doing something really nice for you. Remember that. So, I better get a lot of sex this weekend.”

  “The gesture doesn’t mean quite as much when you put it like that,” she said sarcastically. “And you get a lot of sex regardless if we’re on a trip or not. Your odds are good.”

  “Excellent,” I said. “And I’m excited to show off my new tattoo.”

  “The one that your father shares?”

  “Yeah. It’ll be a hit.”

  “No one will know it’s new.”

  “But the chicks will dig it.”

  She gave me a murderous look.

  “Kidding.” I rubbed my nose against hers.

  “You’re lucky I know you are.” She turned back to her magazine.

  “So…you want to turn it up a notch?”

  She gave me a confused expression. “Excuse me?”

  I nodded toward the bathroom. “You know…a quickie.”

  “On a plane?” she asked incredulously.

  “Why not?” I asked. “We got nothing else to do.”

  “I’m reading. I’m thoroughly entertained.”

  I growled at her. “Live a little, baby.”

  “It can wait until we’re in paradise.”

  I sighed then returned my gaze out the window.


  We checked in at the front desk. “For Sisco.”

  The receptionist checked the computer. “Beach front room. Here are your keys. Are you on your honeymoon?”

  “Uh, no,” I said awkwardly. “It’s just me and my girlfriend.”

  “Of course, sir. My apologies.”

  That wasn’t uncomfortable.

  A bellman took our bags to our room and we followed. Neither Trinity nor I mentioned the tense statement. We weren’t wearing wedding bands so why would the lady assume that? Damn idiot.

  We checked into our room, and it was so nice that we forgot about the incident.

  “Look at the view!” Trinity opened the glass doors and stood on the balcony. “What should we do first? Hit the pool or the beach? Or should we eat lunch? Too many things to do and so little time!”

  She was bouncing off the walls in excitement. I ignored her and opened my bag. “I want to do something first.”

  “What?” She came back inside. “You want to shower first?”

  “No.” I tossed the black teddy and garters on the bed. Then I gave her a serious look.

  “We’ve been here five minutes.” She put her hands on her hips.

  “Hey, I’m paying for this vacation. I want some action before I spend the day at the beach. Now change in the bathroom and come back to please me.” I lay on the bed and put my arms behind my head. “And wear heels.”

  She rolled her eyes and marched into the bathroom.

  Trinity pretended that she didn’t enjoy the sex as much as I did, but I knew she was just playing hard to get. The second my tip touched her entrance, I would feel the pool of moisture like usual.

  She came back dressed in the lingerie, and the sight of her got me hard instantly. I scooted up the bed then leaned against the headboard. “Ride me.” I patted my lap.

  She crawled up the bed then straddled my hips. “Yes, Master.”

  I grinned. “Best vacation ever.”


  Trinity wore a white bikini and lay on a towel beside me. Her body had the curves and valleys of a model. Her hips curved out until they reached her petite waist, creating a perfect hourglass figure. I lay beside her and blatantly checked her out.

  She wore sunglasses and was holding a magazine above her face while she read. “What?” She didn’t look at me.

  “You look hot.”

  “Am I turning red anywhere?”


  She flipped the page.

  The weather on the coast was perfect. There was a slight breeze but that kept us cool when the sun was unforgiving. Couples and families stretched across the beach, playing in the sand or swimming in the water.

  I stared at Trinity again then leaned over her. I pulled one corner of her bottoms down and kissed her exposed hip. Her skin was warm from the unrelenting sun. “You know what would look good here?”


  “A tattoo.”

  “Of what?” She put the magazine aside then held herself up on her elbows.

  “I don’t know…my name.”

  I knew she was rolling her eyes even though I could see them behind her sunglasses. “No.”

  “What about a scorpion?” I asked. “That would be really hot.”

  “I’ve never been into tattoos.”

  I released a sarcastic laugh. “Okay.”

  “On my own body,” she said. “I like yours.”

  I flexed my arm for her. “I do look good, don’t I?”

  She smacked my arm down. “Don’t be so full of yourself.”

  “You want to be full of me, right?”

  She smacked me again. “Be cute and romantic. I like it when you act like that.”


  “Be sweet to me.”

  “I’m always sweet to you.” What was she talking about?

  “No. You’re being a pig right now.”

  I gripped her hip. “I was just telling you how sexy you would look with some ink. That’s all.”

  “You don’t think I’m sexy as I am?” she asked.

  “Of course I do.” I leaned down and kissed her stomach. “I think you’re perfect. I just think some ink would make you even sexier.”

  “Let me guess, you want me to get a tramp stamp too?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I want you to have tattoos only I can see. Now that’s sexy to me.”

  “You want everyone to look at yours.”

  “It’s different. You’re my treasure, my one possession I want to hoard and never share with anyone else. I want to be the only one to enjoy you. No one else gets to have you but me.”

  She smiled at me then rubbed my hard chest. “See, you’re being sweet.”

  “I am?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You honestly can’t tell the difference?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Well, at least I know you mean it when it does happen.”

  “I’m getting warm. Want to take a dip?”

  “No. My hair looks nice.”

  “I won’t get it wet.”

  “You’re such a liar,” she said with a laugh.

  “I really won’t.”

  She turned to me. “Really?”


  She finally agreed. “Okay.”

  I stood up then pulled her to her feet. Her hair was piled high in a bun, but she still looked cute. Then I held her hand and guided her to the water. I saw a few guys check her out but I let it go. Honestly, I couldn’t blame them. She was incredibly distracting in a bikini.

  The water was warm and moved around her until she was waist deep. I was a lot taller than her so most of my body was still above water.

  “It feels nice in here.”

  “It does.” I picked her up and pulled her to my chest.

  “Do not throw me in the water!”

  “I’m not,” I said with a laugh. I walked her further out into the water, le
tting her use my height to keep everything above her neck dry.

  Her arms were around my neck and she clung to me. “Do you think there are sharks out here?”


  She stiffened. “And that doesn’t scare you?”

  “No. They’ll get me first so you can swim away.”

  “Uh, is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “Yeah. You’ll live.”

  “If you get attacked by a shark, I’m going to stick my fingers into its eyes. I’m not letting it take you.”

  For some reason, the idea of Trinity taking on a huge shark to protect me was amusing. “Well, I feel safer now.”

  “You wouldn’t leave me.”

  My heart burned at her words. “You’re right. I wouldn’t.” She made me realize just how much I loved her. Everything had changed in the past two years. I was obsessed with her to the point of insanity. I didn’t check out other women, and I only thought about her. I never jerked off because I preferred her gorgeous body under me. I liked looking into her eyes when I moved inside her, feeling excited but peaceful at the same time.

  “Let’s just keep our eyes peeled for fins and we’ll be good.”

  “Did you know most sharks attack from below the water? Mainly deep in the ocean?”

  “Okay…not making me feel better.”

  I chuckled. “Baby, we’ll be fine.”

  She kept eyeing the water, like something might swim out and get us.

  I gripped her bikini. “Want to do some skinny dipping.”

  She smacked my arm. “There are kids here.”

  “So?” I asked. “It’s not like they’re watching us.”

  “People are snorkeling. They could totally see us.”

  “Maybe I want them to see us,” I countered. “They can learn a few things.”

  “You just said you didn’t want anyone to see my tattoos. But you want them to watch us screw.”

  “Make love,” I corrected.

  “If we’re doing it in the ocean, it’s screwing.”

  “It’s always making love with you, even when it’s fucking.”

  Her eyes softened when she looked at me. She always gave me that look when I said something sweet. She melted before my eyes, making me melt too. “I love you.” Her eyes filled with emotion, and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

  “I love you too—forever.”

  She pressed her head to mine and closed her eyes.

  I held her in the water while the waves moved past us. Her skin was smooth even under the water, and I loved feeling her small body cling to me in desperation. She was the only person in the world I’d want to be stuck on an island with. She was the only one who wouldn’t drive me crazy.

  Suddenly, something moved past my leg.

  When Trinity stiffened, I knew she felt it too. “Oh my god…what the hell was that?”

  It didn’t feel rubbery like a fish. Actually, it felt like wet fur.

  A sea otter poked its head out of the water and released a quiet cry.

  “Sick!” I said. “Baby, it’s a sea otter.”

  It swam around us, floating on its back.

  “He’s so cute!” Trinity squealed.

  I reached my hand out, and the creature let me pet him. “We have to get a picture with this guy.” I pulled my waterproof phone out of my pocket and got a picture of us petting it.

  “I love his whiskers!” Trinity said.

  “You want me to grow a beard?” I asked.

  “No,” she said immediately. “That’s not cute.”

  I laughed. “Okay.”

  We played with the sea otter for a while before he swam away.

  “Everyone is going to be so jealous,” Trinity said.

  “I bet they already are jealous.”

  “The sun is about to disappear. We should shower before dinner.”

  “Okay.” I carried her out of the water and back to our towel.

  She pulled on a sundress then packed up her things. Then she hoisted the bag over her shoulder.

  I snatched it away and carried it myself.

  “I can carry my stuff,” she said.

  “My girl doesn’t carry anything.”

  She gave me that same look I was always hoping to see.


  We made love for a long time before we showered and got ready for dinner. After seeing her in a bikini all afternoon, I was desperate to take her hard against the mattress. One of the things I loved about sex with Trinity was how wet she always was. Her body always made sounds as we moved together, and I liked knowing she was so hot for me all the time. I must be doing something right.

  The restaurants at the resorts were all classy and expensive. Unfortunately, I had to wear slacks and a buttoned up shirt. It was something that never happened, but I knew Trinity would be embarrassed if I wore jeans and a t-shirt.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, she was wearing a champagne colored dress that fit her curves perfectly. It was strapless, showing her bare shoulders. Her hair was pulled back, revealing her beautiful face.

  “Is that new?” I asked.

  “Yep.” She held a matching clutch.

  “I like it.” I stepped closer to her. “It’s a good color on you.”

  “Thanks.” She eyed my outfit. Then she whistled. “You look like a million bucks.”

  I shrugged. “Well, you know…”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up like this—without a gun pointed at your head.”

  “I know these places are pretty swanky.”

  Her hands moved up my chest then she fiddled with the tie. “You look very handsome.”

  “Thanks.” I liked it when she complimented my appearance. I never cared for it before her. I always knew I was good-looking and women wanted me, even if it was just for a night. But Trinity’s opinion mattered to me. I wanted her to think I was handsome. I wanted her to want me the way I wanted her. I didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought anymore.

  She kissed the corner of my mouth gently. “Ready to go?”

  “Depends,” I said. “What panties are you wearing?” I gave her a smug look.

  She returned the expression before she headed to the door. “None.”


  I made reservations a few days ago, so we had a seat by the window that faced the ocean. I knew Trinity was impressed by the way she looked at me, clearly loving the fact I was so thoughtful.

  I ordered a bottle of wine and sat up straight. I remembered all the manners my parents taught me, and tried not to embarrass Trinity. She put up with me a lot in this relationship, and I wanted to do something for her that she enjoyed. I knew she didn’t care that much about the type of music I played or the fact hundreds of screaming girls would fuck my brains out back stage if I let them, but she supported me anyway. That meant a lot to me.

  Relationships were about compromise, and I knew I couldn’t be selfish in this one. If Trinity left me, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. She was the apple of my eye, the woman of my dreams. I didn’t want to give her a reason to leave, but instead, a million reasons why she should stay.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  I didn’t know how to describe it in any other way. “How much I love you.” I looked into her eyes as I said it, not embarrassed for putting my soul on the table for her to see. I knew she always handled my heart with care, and she would never hurt me on purpose.

  Her hand reached across the table and rested on mine. “I was thinking the same thing.”


  “Well, I’m always thinking it.”

  I smirked. “I assumed you were always thinking about how annoying and irritating I am.”

  “Well, of course,” she said with a laugh. “But they’re pretty much the same thing.”

  I caressed her fingers with mine, not afraid to show affection in front of strangers. “We’ve changed a lot from what we started out as…”

p; “We have,” she said quietly.

  “And I’m really glad we did.”

  “Me too,” she agreed.

  “It’s weird to think I’ve known you my entire life, but it wasn’t until recently that I knew you in a completely different way. You’re so perfect and amazing. I just…I’m not sure how I never noticed it.”

  She stared at our joined hands, the emotion coming through. “I’m not sure how I didn’t notice either.”

  “No offense to Cayson, but you’re my best friend now.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “I guess…I’m really glad you dated Reid. Because if you didn’t…I may not have gotten my act together.”

  She smiled. “I guess you don’t hate Reid after all.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t love him either…”

  “Look at us, we’re two idiots in love. We give Cayson and Skye a run for their money.”

  “But we aren’t as annoying as they are,” I said. “We’re better.”

  She chuckled. “I guess we are.”

  We ate our dinner quietly, and I watched the small bites of food she would take. She never ate much, but that must be why her body was so amazing. She was hard and defined, but she had the right curves in the right places.

  “Dessert, baby?”

  “Maybe in our room…” She gave me a mischievous smile.

  “I like where this is going. But I assumed I would be having dessert anyway since you aren’t wearing panties.”

  “You might.”

  I slipped the money inside the tab.

  “Let me pay,” she said. “You already paid for everything else.”

  “No. Don’t argue with me.”

  Trinity knew me well enough to understand I wasn’t kidding.

  Hand-in-hand, we walked back to the room. I already had a hard-on in my slacks so it was difficult to adjust it and walk at the same time.

  “We’re almost there.” Trinity knew without looking.

  After we walked inside, I guided her to the bed then lay her down. I pulled her to the edge of the bed and wrapped her legs around my head. Then I kissed and sucked her the way she liked, making her practically scream in pleasure. I loved the way she tasted, so I never minded doing this. With other girls, I always hated it. But I knew I wouldn’t get a blowjob unless I took the plunge first.

  I wanted to give her the bracelet and thought now might be the best time. We had such a memorable day together, and I wanted to see her wear it the following day. But the heat of the moment was taking up all our thoughts. Maybe I should do it at dinner, somewhere I could watch her expression as I gave it to her. I knew she would love it. I knew it would make her cry. I knew she would fall more in love with me than before.