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I Will Follow You Page 5

  More tears fell and she sniffed.

  “I wish you well,” I said sincerely. “If you ever need help, you know where to find me. But I’m done with this.”

  She wiped her eyes on her sleeve then stilled her falling tears. “I love you…”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “I do.” She looked me in the eye.

  I didn’t say it back because I didn’t feel the same way. “Good bye, Beatrice.”

  She stared at me for a long time before she finally walked away.

  I stared straight ahead and didn’t watch her go.

  Chapter Four


  Rome and Lizzie got settled into the apartment. My old office had turned into Lizzie’s room and Rome slept with me. The house wasn’t sterile clean like it used to be. When my maid came over, she had to organize toys and wash a lot more clothes. It was never quiet. There was always noise in the house, the sound of Lizzie or the TV.

  But I didn’t mind.

  I was just grateful Rome and Lizzie were out of that situation. I felt a little resentful toward Rome for keeping it a secret for so long. I could have taken them to safety long ago.

  I knew abusive men weren’t easy to deal with. If they could hurt something so much smaller and fragile than they were, they were scum. They were illogical, immoral, and pretty much bat-shit crazy.

  But I wasn’t worried about it. If he came near the three of us, I’d handle it.


  After I showered the next morning, Rome was putting on her heels to complete her outfit. She was unusually quiet, like something was on her mind. I stood in the mirror and fixed my tie. “Everything okay, baby?”

  She pulled her hair over one shoulder. “Just nervous, I guess.”


  “He’s going to come to my work. I know he is.”

  “Who cares if he does?” I said. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “I just—”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  She fell silent then put in her earrings.

  After we got Lizzie ready for school, we dropped her off and headed to work. Rome immediately went to her desk and started her paperwork. Theresa was irritated that I switched them—again—but I told Theresa it was for an important reason. Thankfully, she didn’t make a fuss about it.

  Around lunchtime, Rome was quiet and skittish. I could tell she was thinking about her husband. There was nothing I could do to alleviate her stress. She would be on alert until he finally went away for good. I knew we had a long legal battle ahead of us. She needed to divorce him then sue for full custody of Lizzie. I knew that wouldn’t be fun.

  We returned to the office and went about our day. Whenever I spoke to Rome, she was quiet and expressionless. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere. There was a plant in the corner of my office that obstructed my view of her slightly. Since I wanted to keep an eye on her, I moved it. And I’m glad I did because a man walked inside, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. He was thick with muscle but he was shorter and smaller than I was. Judging the maniacal gleam in his eyes, it was her husband.

  I left my office immediately then approached her desk, blocking his view of her. “How can I help you?” I stared into his face without flinching.

  “I’d like a moment alone with my wife,” he said calmly.

  “I don’t think so. If you want to go beat something, find a punching bag.” I wasn’t going to beat around the bush with this guy. She was mine and I wanted him to know that. If he wanted her, he had to get through me. And that wasn’t going to be easy.

  He gave me a look of murder, clearly angry that Rome told me her darkest secret. And he wasn’t stupid. There wasn’t a doubt he knew Rome and I were sleeping together. And I hoped that pissed him off even more.

  “Get out and don’t come back,” I warned.

  “Get out of my way,” he threatened.

  “I’ve already called security and they’re on their way. They have your face from the cameras and you’re officially prohibited from entering this building. I suggest you don’t bother with a second attempt.”

  He clearly didn’t want to get involved with any of that. He gave me a final glare before he stepped away. “I’ll talk to you later, Rome.” He gave her a threatening look.

  “We’ll see,” I said vaguely.

  He flashed me another menacing look before he walked out.

  Rome breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone.

  “Told you everything would be fine.”

  She shook her head. “That’s only the beginning.”


  When she and I stepped out of the building to head to the garage, he emerged from the street.

  “Rome!” He marched to her then tried to grab her. “You think you can get away from me.”

  I placed my body in between them then spun his arm around, pinned it behind his back, and then kicked his knees out from under him. His face was planted into the sidewalk, unable to move. “If you want to get to Rome, you’ll have to get through me. I promise you, you won’t succeed.” I released him then stepped back.

  He growled then slowly got to his feet.

  Rome stood beside me, giving him a loathing look.

  “Rome.” He stared her down and pointed at her. “Let’s talk about this. Now.”

  “Screw you.”

  I eyed her, proud that she was standing up to him and not being scared.

  “You’ve abused us long enough. I’m not putting up with it anymore. If you wanted to be a family, you would have treated us better. I’m not going to let you lock me up and ostracize me from everyone I care about. I’m not going to let you hit me anymore. If you come at me again, I’m going to give you everything I have. And I have pretty sharp nails.”

  Pride swelled inside me. “You should see my back. I’m pretty cut up.” I gave him a malicious grin. That was probably below the belt but I didn’t care. It took all my strength not to kill him.

  Rome continued. “Get the hell away from me and stay away.”

  Her husband didn’t look pleased by that speech. “Your little boy toy won’t protect you forever.”

  “Actually, he will,” I said. “Try to prove otherwise.” I grabbed Rome’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  He didn’t follow us, but I could feel his gaze burn into my back. I knew I had a bounty for my head but I didn’t give a damn.


  We picked up Lizzie from school, and like always, she looked so happy to see us. She ran into her mom’s knees and giggled. “Our play is on Saturday. Are you coming?”

  “Of course, honey.” Rome kneeled then kissed her forehead. “Baby had a good day at school?”

  “Yeah. We did crafts today.”

  “That’s wonderful, baby,” Rome said.

  Lizzie turned to me then ran at my knees. I was taller than Rome, so it was more of my shins. “Are you coming too?”

  “Of course.” I kneeled down and hugged her. “I wouldn’t miss it, kid.”

  “Yay!” Lizzie clapped in joy.

  I smirked while I watched her. I’d never been around kids before, but they weren’t that difficult to handle. They were always so happy, excited about anything. It always brightened my mood.

  “Let’s go home,” Rome said. She took her hand and walked her back to the car.

  I opened the back door and helped get Lizzie in the back. Then I opened the door for Rome. I suspected her husband would make an appearance at the school so I was constantly scanning for him. It made me comfortable to get the girls in the car before I got inside.

  When we got home, Lizzie immediately grabbed her toys and watched her cartoons. She kept to herself a lot of the time as long as she was entertained. I headed to the shower and Rome prepared dinner.

  I usually went to the gym after work but I didn’t want to leave Rome alone. She wouldn’t object or tell me to stay, but I knew she preferred having me around. But after the backbone she showed earlier today, I think her fear was startin
g to wane. I was glad she was empowering herself, realizing there was no reason to be scared.

  After I showered and changed into jeans and a t-shirt, I joined them at the kitchen. Rome made vegetarian spaghetti with garlic bread and salad. She remembered I was a vegetarian and accommodated my diet. But she did put a slice of chicken on Lizzie’s plate.

  “This is good,” I said to Rome.

  “Thanks,” she said. “Hopefully it’ll get Lizzie to eat her veggies because they’re disguised in mounds of sauce.”

  I chuckled. “Maybe.”

  Lizzie picked at her food then held up a zucchini. “What’s this?”

  “Candy,” Rome replied. “Now eat it.”

  Lizzie eyed it suspiciously. “Candy in spaghetti?”

  “Yep.” Rome kept a straight face. “Now eat it before I do.”

  I smirked while I watched their interaction.

  Lizzie squinted her eyes then ate it. “It’s not candy!”

  I chuckled and tried to stop.

  “It’s still good so eat it,” Rome said.

  “Anything that’s green is gross,” Lizzie said.

  “Even mint chip ice cream?” Rome asked.

  Lizzie’s face fell in defeat. “Well…”

  “If you eat all your veggies, you can have ice cream for dessert,” Rome said.

  “I can?” Lizzie asked.

  “Yep,” Rome said.

  “Can I just have the ice cream instead?” Lizzie asked.

  I laughed then sipped my wine.

  “No,” Rome said gently. “It doesn’t work like that, Lizzie. When you do something, I’ll reward you. Now eat all your vegetables.”

  Lizzie stuck out her tongue. “They’re gross.”

  “Look at Thomas,” Rome said. “He loves his vegetables.”

  I took a big bite. “Yum.”

  Lizzie watched me for a moment. Then she released a sigh and started to eat.

  Rome smirked then sipped her wine.

  Silence stretched for several minutes before Lizzie turned her big eyes on me. They seemed full of curiosity and innocence. They were big and green just like her mother’s, and I knew Rome would have to combat the boys when Lizzie got older. “Thanks for not hurting my mommy.”

  My hand froze as I had my fork in the pasta. Her words made my heart break. Lizzie meant to be nice, to pay me a compliment, but all if did was hurt me. I hated seeing the scars on Rome’s body, the evidence of the affliction she suffered for so long. It made me want to cry but I kept the emotion back. “I would never hurt your mother.”

  “You make her laugh,” Lizzie said. “Mommy never used to laugh.”

  This kid was killing me. It was too emotional, too depressing. “I used to be a clown. Maybe that’s why.”

  “You were a clown?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “Yep, I went to clown school and everything.”

  She giggled. “You did?”

  “I’m a funny guy.”

  Rome flashed me a thankful smile.

  “Can you make balloons?” Lizzie asked.

  “I used to,” I said. “I don’t have the equipment anymore. You see, I quit a long time ago.”

  “Why?” Lizzie demanded.

  “Well, I was making people laugh too hard. The kids would laugh and they wouldn’t stop. And then the parents told me I was too gifted. It was causing too much noise and the kids wouldn’t concentrate in school.” I shook my head. “I had to quit.”

  “That’s not fair,” Lizzie said. “Laughing is good.”

  “It is,” I agreed. “But too much of a good thing can be bad.”

  “Too much ice cream is never bad,” Lizzie said.

  I laughed. “You’d be surprise, Lizzie.”

  We finished our dinner then Lizzie left the table and returned to the living room. Rome grabbed the dirty dishes and carried them to the kitchen. I followed behind her then turned on the water.

  “I’ll do the dishes,” Rome said. “Go watch TV.”

  “You cooked so I’ll clean,” I argued.

  “No.” She swatted my hand away. “Go relax.” She moved in front of the sink and started scrubbing.

  I came behind her then wrapped my arms around her waist. My lips found her neck and I kissed her.

  “Trying to slow me down?”

  “Trying to get your attention,” I whispered.

  “Well, you always have it.”

  My hands squeezed her ass then moved around her waist again.

  She purposely rubbed against my cock, teasing me.

  “If you let me help, we could be done quicker.” My lips were pressed to her ear.

  “No…you do so much for us. I’m not letting you clean or lift a finger.”

  “But I don’t mind, Rome.”

  “Well, I do.” She finished the dishes then dried her hands. Then she turned to me, her green eyes bright like a rainforest. “Thank you so much. Lizzie and I love being here.”

  My eyes softened. “And I love having both of you.”

  “I know this must be hard for you…going from a bachelor to having two girls in your apartment.”

  “It hasn’t been hard at all,” I said honestly. “I like having you here. It was too quiet anyway.”

  She smiled but the gesture didn’t reach her eyes. “For the first time since I had Lizzie, I feel safe. That’s because of you.”

  I forced myself to smile when all I felt was sadness. “You told him off today by yourself. I didn’t do that.”

  “Because I had a huge man beside me,” she said with a faint laugh.

  “No, I think you would have said it anyway. It’s nice to see you become stronger. That’s what I wanted.”

  She moved into my chest and rested her face there. “I just hope we can get through this so Lizzie and I can leave. I don’t want to infringe on your hospitality forever.”

  “There’s no rush,” I said. “I love having you here. Honestly.”

  She looked up at me. “Really?”

  “Are you kidding? I have a hot dinner on the table every night, the love of a woman, and I get good sex every night before bed. Believe me, your presence is welcomed.”

  She smirked and it finally reached her eyes.

  “On the nights you were with me, who watched Lizzie?” I asked in curiosity.

  “My sister,” she answered. “She’s the only one I trust to take care of her.”

  “Does she know about…him?”

  She nodded. “She told me to get out hundreds of times, but when I admitted that Bryan would hurt Lizzie, she stopped pressuring me. He had me by the neck—literally.”

  “Well, Lizzie seems happy here.”

  “God, she loves it,” she said with emotion. “I haven’t seen my daughter this happy since she had candy for the first time.”

  “I’m glad you guys are comfortable here.”

  She chuckled. “This place is a palace to us.”

  I cupped her face and kissed her gently. “Then that makes you my queen and Lizzie my princess.”

  “And let me guess,” she said with a smirk. “You’re king?”

  “Obviously.” I gave her a cocky smirk.

  She rolled her eyes, but did so playfully.

  I heard the sound of the TV in the other room. “So…do you think we can sneak off for bit?” My lips moved to her neck.

  “If we’re quiet.”

  “Then let’s go.”


  I approached her desk at noon. “Lunch?”

  She was typing on the computer, and loudly, her stomach rumbled. Her cheeks blushed.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” I said with a laugh.

  “I skipped breakfast.”

  “I think you learned your lesson not to do that again.”

  “I’ll say…” She finished typing. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Together we walked out and headed to the entrance.

  “Mr. Riley, can I speak to you for one moment?” Mr. Norwalk approached me.

>   “Certainly,” I said.

  Mr. Norwalk eyed Rome for a moment, like he didn’t want her to overhear the conversation.

  Rome took the hint. “I’ll wait outside.”

  “Okay.” I kept my hands in my pockets and tried to seem indifferent to her.

  Mr. Norwalk held up a folder. “I was just reviewing the Smith account.”


  “You nearly tripled their money in a few short months. The profit you made off of this is ridiculous.”

  “Well, they gave me a lot to work with,” I said humbly.

  “Exactly.” He tapped the folder against my chest. “You get your clients to trust you. That’s what we need more of around here.”

  I didn’t know what to say so I nodded.

  “Keep up the good work, Mr. Riley.” He gave me a smile then walked away.

  I was glad I pleased my boss but I was a little irritated that praise came so late. I’d been doing the same thing for years. Only now was I noticed? I headed outside to join Rome, and what I saw cause me to freeze.

  Rome was slamming her bag into Bryan’s face and kicking him in the groin. “Get the hell away from me, jackass!”

  Bryan tried to cover his head and crouch at the same time.

  “Don’t! Touch! Me!” Rome kept screaming.

  I ran to the scene then yanked Bryan away, throwing him so hard on the concrete that he spilled blood. I gripped him by the throat then punched him so hard his nose released an audible crack. Blood started to spill. “I’ll kill you if I have to.”

  He gripped my arm and tried to pull me off.

  I squeezed tighter. “Or I could just do it right now.”

  He gasped for breath and his eyes started to flutter.

  Then I released him. “Come after her again and I’m calling the cops.” I stood up then kicked him hard in the ribs. Then I turned to Rome. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine.” Her hair was a little messy but she was unscathed. A fire burned in her eyes.