My Heart Skips a Beat Page 4
“I know…” She sighed in sadness.
“And Ward even said he doesn’t care about your feelings for Cayson. And it might make Cayson jealous!”
“I don’t want to play games,” she said immediately.
“Well, when I started dating Reid it forced Slade to man up and commit to me. Sometimes guys don’t realize what they have until someone else wants it.”
“Not everyone can have the cutest love story of all time…”
“Cutest love story?” I asked in surprise.
“Yeah.” She smiled at me. “Like you didn’t know.”
The landlord unlocked the door. “Take a look around. I’ll be in the office.”
“Thank you,” I said as we walked inside.
Skye walked behind me and examined the place. “It’s not bad.”
The kitchen was small, the living room was a little cramped, and the bedroom looked like it could barely fit all my belongings. But it was still a place to live. “I like it.”
“Me too. It’s close to work and my place.”
Slade came through the door. “Sorry I’m late, baby. I had to go by the bank.”
“It’s okay,” I said without looking at him. I was examining the window.
He came up behind me then hooked his arms around my waist. “I like it. Get it.”
“You haven’t even looked around.”
He pulled me to his chest then moved his lips against my neck. “All apartments look the same.”
Skye wandered into the bathroom.
“I think I’m going to get it,” I said.
“Yeah?” He turned me around and rubbed his nose against mine.
“It’s a little under my price range so I’ll have some extra cash. And it’s in a nice location.”
“Awesome,” he said. “Does it have a bathtub?”
“Yes,” I said with a smile.
“Then let’s seal the deal.” He kissed my hairline then moved his arm around my waist.
Skye returned from the bathroom. “So, what do you think?”
“I like it,” I said.
“I love it,” Slade blurted.
I rolled my eyes. “You’d still want it if it was a dumpster as long as you got some privacy.”
He shrugged. “So? At least the rent would be dirt cheap.”
“Well, I’m going to sign the papers and get started,” I said.
“Yes!” Slade started dancing.
I ignored him then linked my arm with Skye’s. “Want to come?”
“Sure,” she said.
When we were in the hallway, Skye lowered her voice to a whisper. “Could you not tell Slade about Ward?”
“Of course.” I patted her arm.
Dad hired movers to move everything for me. Most of the furniture was too heavy for me to carry, and it just made everything easier. Slade showed up at the door with a bag of his things. His guitar was over one shoulder.
“Where should I put this?” he asked.
“In your room.”
“There’s two bedrooms?”
“No,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “Back in your room where your parents live.”
“What?” He put down his stuff. “I thought I was moving in with you?”
“Uh, no.”
“Why not?” He came close to me then gripped my hip.
“You can come over all the time and sleep here, but you can’t actually move in.”
“Why?” he demanded. “It doesn’t make sense for us to live apart.”
“My dad wouldn’t like it.”
He rolled his eyes. “Trinity, start acting like an adult. You pay your rent and your bills. Do whatever the hell you want.”
“Well, I want my dad to approve of you.”
“He does,” Slade said. “If he didn’t, I would be dead already.”
“I don’t know…”
“Baby, I love Mike and I respect him, but I’m not going to let him tell me how to live my life. I will fight for you day and night. If he has a problem with it, I’ll deal with it. Nothing is going to keep me away from you.”
He could be so sweet at the most unexpected times. “It’s more complicated than that…”
“Not really.” He looked down at me and pierced me with his gaze. “Unless you don’t want to move in with me. If that’s the real reason, tell me. I won’t pressure you if that’s how you feel.”
“No…can I just get settled first?”
He backed off. “Sure.”
I wanted to change the subject. “I’ve never heard you play guitar before.”
“I’m awesome at it.”
“Humble, much?”
“What? I am.”
“I’ll have to see for myself.”
“You’ll be all over me.” He squeezed my ass.
I swatted his arm away. “People are here!”
Cayson came up the stairs carrying a few boxes. “Where should I put these?”
“In the corner,” I said.
Skye was at work. I didn’t ask her to help because I figured she wouldn’t be much help anyway. She was my size and she shouldn’t take any time off work since she just started.
He put the box down and sighed. “What do you got in there? Bodies?”
“Are they made out of metal?” Cayson teased.
“They are made out of shut-the-hell-up.”
Slade smiled in an approving way. “My baby’s got an attitude.”
Cayson stood and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I’m glad you won’t need to use my apartment anymore…”
“Or maybe we will…when we want to spice it up,” Slade said.
Cayson rolled his eyes then walked out.
Conrad came next. “Where do you want your microwave?”
“On the counter,” I said.
Theo came behind him. “I don’t know what’s in here but where do you want it?”
I examined the box. “Clothes. It goes in the bedroom.”
“Okay.” He carried it inside my room.
“Aren’t you paying movers to do this?” Conrad asked as he plugged in the microwave.
“They’re getting the big stuff,” I answered.
Theo returned. “And I haven’t seen Slade carry anything.”
“I’m saving my energy for tonight.” He winked at me.
“Anyway…” Conrad walked out. “I’ll get the next box.”
“Wait up,” Theo said.
Alex came in next with two boxes. She placed them on the ground in the corner.
“Damn, you carried that all by yourself?” Slade asked.
“It’s not that heavy,” Alex replied.
“Trinity couldn’t pick that up if her life depended on it,” Slade said.
“Uh, thanks,” I said as I smacked his arm.
“What?” Slade said. “It’s true.”
“Yes, my baby is strong.” Theo walked inside with the next box. “She can kick my ass.”
“Wow, that’s lame,” Slade said.
“Or sexy.” He kissed Alex on the cheek as he passed.
Alex beamed and watched him pass.
Conrad walked in then put a box on the counter. “That was everything out of the truck.”
“Thank god,” Slade said. “I’m hungry.”
Everyone turned and looked at him with pissed looks.
Cayson entered with a teddy bear in his hands. “This guy almost got left behind.”
“Oh no.” I grabbed it and held it close. “I can’t sleep without him.”
“Um, hello?” Slade said.
“Well, you aren’t always around.” I walked into my bedroom and set him on my bed. My dad got him for me when I was five. He’d been my snuggle buddy ever since. When I walked back into the room, everyone looked exhausted. “Let’s go eat. I’m buying.”
“Thank god,” Conrad said. “I don’t help my sister for free.”
“Where should we go?” I asked.
“Something quick,” Theo said. “My lady is hungry, and when she’s hungry, she gets ornery.”
Alex shot him a glare.
“What?” he said. “You do.”
“Sandwiches?” Conrad asked.
“I’d eat a sandwich,” Slade said.
“You’d eat dirt off the ground,” I snapped.
Slade nudged me in the side. “You know you like me dirty.”
“Let’s go before I throw up,” Cayson said.
“Word.” Conrad followed behind him.
We went to the sandwich shop and ordered our lunches. I paid for everything at the end since everyone took time out of their lives to help me. Cayson even got the day off of work.
We sat at a long table.
“Where’s Beatrice?” I asked.
“School,” Conrad answered. “She started last week.”
“How does she like her new place?” I asked.
“She doesn’t have any complaints,” he said.
Slade shoved a handful of chips in his mouth and tried to talk.
“Swallow and then say whatever you want to say,” I hissed.
Slade glared at me but did as I ask. “You know you still think I’m hot.”
“Not really,” I said honestly.
“How do you put up with him?” Cayson asked. “Seriously?”
Everyone looked at me and waited for me to answer.
“I love him.” That was the truth.
Slade looked smug. “That’s what I thought.”
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“And I have a big dick,” he said.
“I doubt that,” Conrad said as he ate.
“The only person who has a bigger dick than me is Godzilla,” Slade said.
Theo put down his sandwich. “Dude, I’m trying to eat.”
“Then order a hot dog,” Slade countered.
Alex shot me a look then rolled her eyes.
I rolled my eyes back.
The door opened and more people walked inside. I glanced at them then recognized the girl in a pencil skirt and heels. She had glasses on the bridge of her nose and long brown hair. Her bust line even caught my attention. And Ward was with her.
Skye didn’t notice us and went up to the register with Ward beside her. They both ordered.
I glanced at Cayson to see his reaction. He hadn’t noticed them.
Ward carried their trays to a table and they both sat down, still not noticing us. Ward wore a dark blue suit with a black tie. It brought out the blue color of his eyes. He was taller than Cayson by an inch, but that small height difference made all the difference in the world.
Slade spotted them first. “Isn’t that Skye?”
Cayson stopped eating. “Where?”
“In that booth right there,” Slade said. “With that guy in the suit.”
Cayson stared at them but his features were hard to decipher.
I watched him, waiting for a reaction, some sign of jealousy.
“Skye!” Slade shouted across the restaurant.
“Don’t yell,” I hissed.
“How else is she supposed to know we’re here?” Slade demanded.
Skye turned around, and surprise came into her eyes when she recognized us. She rose to her feet then approached the table. Her blue shirt was tucked into her skirt and it highlighted every curve. She looked like a bombshell. How Cayson resisted her was beyond me. “Hey, everyone.”
“Hi,” we all said back.
She didn’t look at Cayson and focused her gaze on me. “How was the move?”
“Good,” I said. “But Slade didn’t do anything.”
“I brought my stuff over,” he said defensively.
“What are you guys doing?” I asked.
“We had to take a break,” she said. “Our brains were going to fry.”
Ward appeared behind her, towering over her and looking like a mountain. “Hello, darling. How are you?”
“Hey,” I said warmly.
He touched my shoulder affectionately then dropped it.
Slade didn’t like that one bit. He blatantly glared at me.
“Want to join us?” I asked.
“Um, sure,” Skye said. “Let me get our stuff.”
“I got it.” Ward walked away without waiting for her response.
Everyone glanced at Cayson, seeing how he was handling Skye being with a ridiculously good-looking guy. He looked down at his food and didn’t say anything. But I suspected more was going on below the surface.
Ward returned with the food and extra chairs. “Thank you for allowing us to join you,” he said politely.
“Sure,” I said. I gave Skye a knowing look.
“Oh.” Skye got the message. “I’m sorry. Everyone, this is Ward. He’s the district manager of Pixel Software. We’re working together on the quarter data.”
Cayson visibly relaxed, clearly afraid they were together romantically.
Skye introduced everyone individually.
Ward was charming and polite to each person, saying a few words to form a connection. But when Skye introduced Cayson, his warmth evaporated. I suspected Ward knew exactly who he was. “Nice to meet you.” That was all he said. And his smile was gone.
“You too.” Cayson was equally cold.
Man, this is awkward…
Ward shook hands with Slade. “It’s a pleasure.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Slade didn’t hide his disdain.
Ward had the grace to pretend he didn’t notice the hostility.
“Slade is my boyfriend,” I explained. “And he gets jealous easily.”
“I’m not jealous,” Slade snapped.
“Then why are you being a dick?” I demanded.
Ward paid attention to his food and pretended not to listen to our argument.
“I just…didn’t know how you knew him,” Slade said. “You never mentioned him and you clearly know him.”
I wouldn’t betray Skye’s secret. “He works with my father. Why wouldn’t I know him?”
That seemed to satisfy Slade because he backed off.
Ward turned his attention to Skye. “How’s your food, love?”
Cayson’s eyes moved to his when he called Skye by a nickname.
“Good,” she said quietly. “Yours?”
“It’s delicious,” he said. “I prefer American food over British food any day.”
Like Skye and I, everyone was extremely interested in Ward.
“Do you live in Britain now?” Conrad asked.
“I commute back and forth,” Ward answered. “But I don’t mind. I love to fly. They even let me in the captain’s cockpit once.”
“So cool,” Theo said. “Is it true British chicks have ridiculous teeth?”
Ward shrugged. “A little. But it’s not just women. It’s men as well.”
“We could make a killing if we just set up some dentist offices over there,” Conrad said.
“That’s not the problem,” Ward said. “Brits just don’t want to pay for it. We can be cheap that way.”
“What city do you live in?” Alex asked.
“London,” he answered. “But I was born in Scotland.”
“So cool,” Theo said.
Cayson ate his food and didn’t participate in the conversation.
“Does it suck working with Skye?” Conrad asked. “I know she’s annoying.”
Ward chuckled. “Actually, I’ve never met a woman so intelligent and accomplished. The company is in good hands when the Preston brothers leave.”
Skye shot him a soft smile then looked away.
Cayson stared at her.
Ward and Skye settled into a quiet conversation about work. None of us knew what they were talking about so we had our own conversations. I kept glancing at Cayson, and saw him look at Ward. He seemed to be relieved they were only discussing work and nothing else. There was no way he wasn’t jealous.
Even Slade was jealous even though I didn’t work with Ward.
Ward glanced at his watch. “We should probably return to the office, Ms. Preston.”
“Call me Skye,” she said firmly.
He flashed her a warm smile. “Your own father prefers you addressing him that way. He’s my boss and writes my checks. When we’re at work, that’s what I’ll call you.”
“We aren’t at work now,” she said.
“You have a point.” He grabbed the trays. “But when we’re back at work, it’s Ms. Preston.”
“Okay,” she said with a sigh. She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her skirt. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Bye.” Everyone waved.
Ward held the door open for her then came behind her. Together, they walked up the street, looking like a gorgeous couple from a magazine.
Everyone looked at Cayson, watching him.
Cayson ignored them and ate his sandwich like nothing just happened.
Chapter Seven
“All air!” My ball made it through the hoop without touching the rim. “If I weren’t going to run a shop and be a famous musician, I’d go for the pros.” I dribbled the ball and made another shot.
Cayson watched me but didn’t try to steal the ball. He’d been quiet all day.
“Make the shot.” I passed him the ball.
He caught it then he jumped on his toes and threw the ball. It missed by a mile.
“Are you okay?” I asked. Cayson was pretty good at basketball. We’d been playing for years so I knew his level of skill.
“I’m fine,” he mumbled. He chased after the ball then dribbled it between his legs.
“You’ve been moody lately.” He was unusually quiet and thoughtful. If there was something on his mind, he didn’t tell me.
“You think Ward is attractive?”
“I think he’s hot.”
Cayson halted in mid-step and flashed me a look of concern.
“I mean, I know he’s the type of guy girls are into.”
Cayson gave me a fearful look. “Everything good with Trinity…?”
I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean. He’s got money, he’s English, and you can tell he hits the gym. That’s all.”
Cayson dribbled the ball again. “If I didn’t know you were in love with Trinity, I’d be worried.”
“Shut up, asshole.” I stole the ball from him then made the shot. “Why do you ask?”