I Will Follow You Page 13
Slade pulled me into his arms and let me rest my head on his shoulder. “He’s going to wake up, Trinity. Don’t say that.”
I closed my eyes and willed the pain to stop.
“It looks like a full house,” Reid whispered. “I’ll come by a different time.”
“See you later,” Slade said quietly.
When I stayed in his arms, Slade picked me up and sat me in his lap. Then he moved his fingers through my hair. Within minutes, I fell asleep, exhausted from not resting and constantly crying.
Slade forced me to leave Dad’s bedside. “You need a warm night of rest, and good rest. Not sitting on a chair or in my lap.”
“No,” I argued.
Normally, Slade would make a smart-ass comment or bicker with me, but he hadn’t done that once since my father’s accident. Instead, he kept his voice gentle. “Baby, there’s nothing you can do for him right now. You need to get a good night’s rest. If anything happens, your Mom will call you.”
I did want to shower. My hair was disgusting and I felt disgusting. “Okay,” I said with a sigh.
Slade took me home then got me under the warm water. He stood in front of me then lathered my hair with shampoo. He massaged the oil out of my hair and let it disappear down the drain. He made me moan because it felt so good.
“Told you,” he whispered. He lathered body soap across every inch of skin, and when he did my shoulders, he lightly kissed the area. Then he rinsed me off before he washed himself.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” I whispered. “I appreciate it.”
“I’ll always take care of you,” he said with a serious look.
He dried me off and fluffed my hair until I was dry. Then he pulled on new panties and a t-shirt for me to sleep in. I felt like a new person now that I’d showered. The transformation was unbelievable.
Slade got me into bed then lay beside me. His hand moved through my hair and he stayed quiet.
My eyes were drooping because they were heavy. Lying on a mattress felt so good. It was so soft and warm. I wasn’t slumped awkwardly over a chair or in Slade’s arms. My spine actually ached in joy.
But I couldn’t sleep. I turned to Slade then yanked him toward me, silently telling him what I wanted.
“It can wait.” That was all he said.
“No, I want it.”
“You’re vulnerable right now.”
“Exactly. That’s why I want you.”
“I’m not taking advantage of you,” he argued.
“I’m giving it to you,” I said. “Now make love to me. I want you. It’ll make me feel better.”
“It feels wrong.”
“Please.” I kissed his chest. “Don’t make your fiancé beg.”
He growled then moved on top of me. “Okay.”
I wrapped my arms around him and felt him enter me. I found his lips in the semi-darkness and kissed him gently. He rocked into me, making me feel less pain. No matter what happened, I still had him. I wouldn’t suffer alone because he would always be there. Kissing him and touching him made me only think of him, and I finally had a break from the agony. He pleasured me the way I needed, and I returned it. Together, we reached the point we both needed, exploding inside one another.
Then he kissed my forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The two weeks had passed, and now the big day had arrived. Dad would be removed from the respirator and the medication would be absolved. He would either wake up or he wouldn’t.
I’d never been more terrified in my life.
I knew I would lose my father someday. It was nature. But I always assumed it would be when he was old, not so young. And I assumed it wouldn’t be after I told him I hated him. I couldn’t lose him like this.
I couldn’t.
We kept our distance as the respiratory therapist removed him from his breathing treatment. The doctor watched him carefully, and nodded in approval when Dad started to breathe on his own. “That’s a good sign.”
My heart began to believe that everything would be okay.
“When will he wake up?” Mom asked. “If he does…”
“Within the next six hours,” he said. “But please don’t swarm him when he does. Waking up to a million faces and voices is terrifying. Give him space.”
“We will,” Mom said.
The doctor left the room.
And the waiting game started all over again. I sat by my father’s bedside while Mom sat on the other side. Conrad stood then would pace, unable to sit still. Slade sat beside me, and everyone else gathered around, trying to remain calm even though they were all on edge.
The hours trickled by.
“Dad, please wake up,” I whispered. “Please…”
“He will,” Slade assured me. “He will.”
More hours passed.
“He’s not going to wake up, is he?” I felt the panic set in. “God, this isn’t happening…”
“Give it more time,” Slade said calmly.
I stared at my dad and waited for some form of movement. He never blinked his eyes or moved his fingers. I waited for his body to shift, for him to move his leg. But nothing happened.
But then something did happen. His eyes fluttered.
“His eyes moved!” I stood up. “Mom, his eyes moved!”
Slade yanked me back down. “Keep your voice down.”
Mom stared at Dad, her breathing haywire.
Finally, Dad moved slightly. “Trinity…?” His voice came out raspy, like he hadn’t spoken in ten years.
Tears fell from my eyes. “Daddy?” I reached for his hand.
“Thank you for reading to me,” he whispered.
My heart sped up as I processed his words. The tears blurred my vision. “You heard me…?”
“Yes.” His voice came out weak.
Joy like I’d never known spread through me. Dad was awake, and he was normal. He was here. He was here.
His eyes fluttered open and he stared at the ceiling, trying to focus them. Then he squinted and looked around. His eyes fell on my face. “ Trinity…”
I jumped into his arms. “Daddy…” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my face in his shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
His free arm wrapped around me slowly. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Forget about it.”
“Be gentle with him, Trinity,” Mom warned.
I sobbed into his chest. “I’m so sorry. I don’t hate you.”
“I know you don’t.” His voice came out broken.
“I love you. I love you so much.”
He squeezed me a little tighter. “I love you too. I’ll be a better father from now on. I promise.”
I pulled away and sniffed. “You’re the best father in the world.”
His eyes took me in and they watered. He stared at me for a long time. Then he raised his hand and touched my cheek. “I’m so glad I get to see this face again…” He wiped a tear away. “I feared I wouldn’t.”
I hugged him again. “Let’s start over, okay? Let’s just forget about it.”
He kissed my forehead. “Okay, sweetheart.”
“I love you,” I said again.
“I love you too.” He continued to hold me.
I knew I was hogging him when so many other people wanted to see him. Reluctantly, I pulled away. I returned to my seat and wiped my tears away.
Dad watched me with affection in his eyes.
Then Conrad approached the bed. He stood there and stared at Dad. He was breathing hard like he was about to breakdown. Then he covered his eyes with one hand, his breathing increasing even more. Then he started to cry. “Dad…”
Dad took a deep breath and his eyes turned red. “Son.”
“I was so scared.” Conrad dropped his hand, and his eyes were red and his face was covered in tears. I’d never seen him cry in my life, let alone sob. He clearly wanted to hide his face, but nothing he did covered the emotion swollen in
side him. “Dad, I thought I was going to lose you.”
Dad started to cry. “I’m so sorry…”
Conrad hugged him then cried harder. “I don’t know what I would do without you…”
Dad closed his eyes and the tears fell from his eyes.
“I’m sorry for every mean thing I said to you…I’m sorry for every time I pissed you off. I’m so sorry…I love you, Dad.”
Dad hugged him tighter. “I love you too.”
“I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
“I know.” He kissed his forehead. “I was scared too.”
Conrad pulled away and wiped his tears on his sleeve. He tried to stop breathing so he would calm down, but it was futile.
“It’s okay to cry, son,” Dad whispered, who was crying too. He rubbed his shoulder until Conrad was calm again. “I’m so sorry I did this to you.”
“Don’t ever do it again.” Conrad’s tears ended.
“I won’t.”
Conrad nodded then moved away, letting Mom come next.
Dad looked at her, and when their eyes met, an unspoken conversation happened between them. Mom didn’t cry. She just stared at him.
“My wife,” Dad whispered.
She came to his side then pressed her forehead to his. Nothing was said and they didn’t kiss but the affection was almost too intimate to watch. Dad’s free arm moved around her waist and he held her close.
Mom kissed the tears on his face then the corners of his eyes.
He stared at her then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Then he kissed her cheek.
I looked away because the affection was too much. They didn’t say a word but they didn’t need to. They said it all with just a look.
Mom pulled away so other people could visit him. But Dad stared at her with longing, like he didn’t want to part from her at all.
Grandpa came to the bed then sat at the edge. He didn’t hug Dad or weep like everyone else. Grandma stood behind him, equally reserved. Grandpa stared Mike down, and I had no idea what was happening.
“I’ve never been so disappointed in you in my life.” He didn’t yell or raise his voice, but the tone could cut bone. “How dare you put your family through this? How dare you gamble your life over something so stupid?”
Dad always said Grandpa was stern but I never believed it because he was so sweet all the time. But now I believed him.
“You see her?” He pointed at me. “That’s your daughter. She almost had to walk herself down the aisle.” He turned to Conrad. “And your son. You remember him, right? You almost left him in charge of your family.” Then he looked at Cassandra. “And do you see her? Your beautiful and loving wife? She was almost a widow.”
Dad held his gaze but there was shame there.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” Grandpa stared him down.
“I know.” Dad’s eyes watered and he averted his gaze.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, Michael.”
Dad obeyed even though he didn’t want to.
“I refuse to bury a child before my time has come. That is one thing I don’t accept. Don’t you ever make me do it. Because I will never forgive you.”
“I’m sorry…”
“That means nothing to me,” Grandpa said. “You have an entire room full of people who love you and you let them all down. Every single one. You let your brother down, your family down, and your parents. You’re so lucky that you survived with a broken arm and a few bruises. You’re lucky you’re still alive.”
Dad’s eyes continued to water and the tears started to leak.
“Don’t ever let me down like that again.”
“I won’t,” Dad whispered.
“What did you say?” Grandpa pressed.
“I won’t,” Dad said louder. I’d never seen Dad back down to someone. He was always a hard-ass. He never lost a battle of any kind, and he was a formidable opponent, but when he spoke to his own father he cowered like a child.
“Don’t ever disappoint me like that again. And don’t you ever do this to your family again.”
Dad nodded. “I won’t.”
“You owe everyone an apology.”
“You’re right,” he said. “I do.”
Grandpa crossed his arms over his chest and waited.
“I’m sorry everyone,” Dad said. “I’m very sorry.” Dad eyed Mom then closed his eyes. More tears fell.
Grandpa seemed to be done because he hugged him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Son.”
Dad hugged him back.
“I love you, kid.”
“I love you too, Dad.”
Grandpa pulled away and kissed his forehead. Then he moved out of the way for Grandma. She kissed him and hugged him too. Dad hugged her back with the same affection.
I felt bad Dad had been grilled like that but no one dared interrupt Grandpa. It was clear he had the respect of everyone in the room.
Sean came next and stared at Dad. Then he smirked. “You look like shit.”
Dad forced a smile but the emotion was still in his eyes. “Thanks, man. Way to kick a guy when he’s down.”
He shrugged. “And if you can believe it, you looked a million times worse a few weeks ago.”
“No, I do.”
“I’ll show you pictures when you’re up for it.”
Dad chuckled. “Thanks,” he said sarcastically. “I appreciate it.”
Sean’s smirked disappeared and he became serious. “I’m glad you’re okay. Not just because I didn’t want to work on my own or take care of your family but because…”
“I love you too,” Dad said.
Sean’s eyes watered. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
“I won’t.”
Sean hugged him hard and cried.
Dad held him and closed his eyes.
They whispered something to each other then pulled away.
“I should get going,” Sean said. “There’s a long line behind me.”
Dad smirked then nodded. Then he turned to Slade. “Where’s my other son?”
Slade grinned then came to him. “You doing okay, old man?”
Dad hugged him hard. “Thanks for taking care of Trinity while I’ve been out.”
“No problem,” he said. “Babysitting a hot blonde is always a pleasure.”
Dad chuckled then looked at him. “I love you, son.”
Slade’s face became serious and his eyes turned red. “I love you too, Dad.”
Dad was in a much better mood the following day. All the tears had been shed and Grandpa didn’t give him a disappointed look. We had a pizza party and everyone, including my dad, wore party hats. Even though he couldn’t move, he had a good time. He laughed at the jokes Slade came up with, and touched my mom whenever the situation would permit it. It seemed like he wanted to be alone with her, but the opportunity never presented itself since there were so many of us.
We just finished pizza when we were gathered around Dad. Everyone else was on the other side of the room in quiet conversation. I sat beside my dad most of the time, and of course, Slade was there too.
“Can we talk about this wedding now?” Dad asked.
“What about it?” I asked.
“Please let me pay for it,” Dad said. “Consider it a wedding present. I want my daughter to have her dream day. If you want Siberian tigers to roar as you walk down the aisle, that’s what you’ll get it.”
Slade’s eyes were wide. “That would be sick…”
“No,” I said immediately. “He was joking.”
“But that would be so cool,” Slade continued.
“So, you’ll accept my gift? On behalf of your mother and I?” Dad asked.
“Well, it depends on what my fiancé wants to do.” I turned to Slade.
Slade nodded. “We appreciate the generous offer.”
I smiled in victory. “Yes! It’s going to be so beautiful.”
Dad smirked while
he watched me get excited.
“And we’re getting those tigers,” Slade said.
I glared at my dad. “Why did you have to give him the idea?”
Dad shrugged. “It is pretty cool…”
“No tigers,” I said firmly.
“We’ll see…” Slade rubbed his chin.
I smacked him in the arm. “I’ll leave you at the alter.”
“Yeah right,” he said with a cocky grin. “You’re obsessed with me.”
“Am not,” I argued.
“Well, I’m even more obsessed with you,” he said.
“In that case…I won’t leave you at the alter.”
“Like you would anyway,” he mumbled.
“Hey!” I pointed at him. “I’ll pull a runaway bride on you.”
“And I’ll chase you down and carry you back. Problem solved.”
I broke down and smiled. “You’re right.” Like I would ever leave Slade. You could point a gun at my head and I wouldn’t flinch.
Dad turned to Mom. “When can I get out of here?”
“Tomorrow,” she said.
“Good. I’m sick of being in this bed.”
She gave him a threatening look. “If you think you’re going to be more comfortable at home you’re sadly mistaken. There are witnesses here.”
Dad sighed. “I should have seen that coming.”
She gave him another look only he could understand before she joined the others.
I turned to Dad. “You’re in the doghouse.”
“For a very, very long time,” he said sadly.
“You know what I do when Trinity is mad at me?” Slade asked.
“I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know,” Dad said.
“I kiss her,” Slade said. “A gentle kiss on the lips and—” He snapped his fingers. “Problem? What problem?”
Dad chuckled. “I guess I could try it. I’m not able to corner her like I normally would.”
“I have the solution to this too,” Slade said. “Entice her with candy or a treat of some sort.”
“You act like I’m a dog,” I said.
“Well, we’re both mammals, right?” Slade said.
I rolled my eyes and released a sigh.
Dad eyed me. “You sure you want to marry him?”
I turned back to Slade and gave him a grin. “Completely.”
Dad finally checked out of the hospital but getting him to leave was difficult. Mom pushed a wheelchair into the room and parked it near his bed.